I Feel Like People Move On So Easily Nowadays?

I Feel Like People Move On So Easily Nowadays?

They do.

With the advent of dating apps and social media, there is a vast array of dating options for men and women.

With this many choices, people are quick to ditch a potential partner should they pick up on a flaw they don’t like while courting the person.

It wasn’t like this before the era of dating apps and social media.

The internet era has provided an endless stream of dating options for people.

Before the internet era, people were relegated to meeting their dating options through family, friends, work, church or their neighborhood.

It was limited in scope.

With fewer dating options, people were substantially more tolerant of a person they were courting.

A person of romantic potential that was introduced to them at church, for instance, could have flaws that were forgiven.

Yes, the guy would be forgiven if he were to leave the toilet seat up on occasion at her home, and the woman would be forgiven if she were to leave a fingernail scratch on the passenger side door of his fabled sports car as she opens it.

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All kidding aside, people were significantly more tolerant of each other.

With the advent of the internet, and its never-ending digital outlets, where people congregate, mingle and match, people are less forgiving.

With this in mind, it does feel like people move on easily nowadays.

There are obviously advantages to having so many dating options in this day and age.

It gives people a greater amount of dating options, which was something that was in short supply in the old days.

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Being stuck with a smaller pool of dating options often forced people to partner up with those who didn’t fully measure up to their standards.

Thanks to the internet, people don’t have to settle.

On the flip side, this advantage has been abused by a good number of people, with less of a tolerance for flaws in a potential partner, and a propensity to be too quick to move on to the next person in line.

Although the internet era has brought this to light, the truth is, human beings are wired to be this way when they have endless choices.

It’s human nature to think that the grass is greener on the other side when something is in high supply.

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When something is in low supply, we don’t have this mindset.

Ergo, technically, if the internet era existed back in the stone age, the same thing would have occurred back then too.

Think about how you behave when are trying to find a new TV show to watch.

With the endless number of TV shows available, attributable to the endless number of streaming and cable channels that exist in today’s digital era, you have a plethora of choices.

You pick a TV show and the moment you realize that you nodded off for a second, you are dismissing the TV show and moving on to another.

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You didn’t care to spend additional time on the TV show, given the abundance of options for TV shows.

Many of us have been in a situation like this.

It’s human nature.

When there are so many options for something, we have little tolerance and move on the moment a flaw arises.

This being said, this attitude isn’t sustainable.

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It gets tiring bouncing from dating option to dating option.

Just as it gets tiring bouncing from TV show to TV show.

Eventually, you settle for one, even with its flaws, in exhaustion.

Finally, you are patient enough to slow down and give a TV show a chance.

In the same vain, a person who is seeking a romantic partner stops with the bouncing around, and gives a counterpart they are courting a wider berth of tolerance.

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You never know.

That counterpart could be you.

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