Should I Give Up My Standards And Date Men I Don’t Like Or Stay Single Forever?

Should I Give Up My Standards And Date Men I Don't Like Or Stay Single Forever?

Men you like aren’t taking you seriously.

They talk a good game but never ask you out.

They love flirting with you, to an extent.

Whenever you respond and are game for something more, they pull back or disappear altogether.

This is out of hand.

You aren’t a robot.

You are a human being with emotions.

It feels terrible to be led on by the men you like.

It never fails to leave you emotionally impacted.

With this much anguish, the thought of giving up on your standards has traversed through your mind on multiple occasions.

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There are constant reminders in your life that there are men who would date you.

You meet them at work, the gym, the park, church, etc.

There is just one problem.

You have no interest in dating these men.

You aren’t mentally and physically attracted to them.

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They are just, well, regular dudes that leave no lasting impression on you.

The thought of staying single forever isn’t appealing, but the thought of dating men who don’t meet your standards is just as unappealing.

You are stuck in stasis as life cruelly ticks by, uncaring.

Though young, you know that you will no longer have the luxury of time as each encounter with a man you are attracted to ends in the exact same way, with no date and no progress.

The answer is not to date men you don’t like.

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That is a ticket to absolute disaster.

No matter how much you lie to yourself about your willingness to date a man who doesn’t meet your standards, it is only a matter of time before this fabrication collapses.

You are going to resent him at some point.

As you age, you look at him as the guy who stopped you from getting the guy you wanted.

This is obviously completely untrue, but that is how you look at him as life and it’s obstacles unfold.

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It’s his fault.

A relationship like this is doomed to fail, leaving you a bitter and unhappy person.

This isn’t ideal for you or the poor guy who doesn’t meet your standards that you chose to be with it.

Okay, so this option doesn’t work.

Should you stay single forever then?

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These are two extremes that you never have to conform to.

You don’t need to give up on your standards.

The difficulty you have faced in getting the men you are attracted to and want the most to be just as interested in you, has everything to do with you not meeting those standards.

Look at your life and do an honest assessment of it.

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Do you meet the same high standards that you have in the men you are attracted to?

Even though you are attractive, what else do you bring to the table?

An attractive woman captures the attention of a man, but that alone doesn’t keep his attention.

These men find you attractive but once they discover your deficiencies, they fall off and never go as far as taking you out on a date.

It’s hard to look at ourselves and acknowledge that there are some elements we need to work on in order to attract the person we want and keep them interested.

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The person who is humble enough to do this gets over the hill.

Do the work you need to do on yourself to meet the same high standards you hold in the men you are attracted to, and these men are going to be clamoring to take you out on a date.

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