Is It Normal To Have Never Argued With Your Boyfriend After 6 Months Of Dating?

Is It Normal To Have Never Argued With Your Boyfriend After 6 Months Of Dating?

Most couples argue within 6 months of dating.

The fact that you have never argued with your boyfriend after 6 months of dating is uncommon.

This doesn’t mean that it is a bad thing.

On the contrary, it’s a wonderful thing, as long as you two communicate openly and constantly about your feelings, expectations, boundaries, etc.

Communication is key.

When two parties communicate openly and constantly, it prevents negative situations from blowing up into heated arguments and fights.

This is probably why you haven’t had an argument with your boyfriend after 6 months of dating.

You two communicate openly and regularly.

This makes it so much easier to talk to each other when something occurs that someone in the party didn’t like.

You have a conversation about it right away.

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Many couples don’t do this.

Instead of having a conversation about something that negatively affected her, she holds back, choosing to believe that this negative occurrence was a one-time thing that won’t happen again.

She is so wrong.

It does happen again.

And again.

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By the time it is finally addressed, she is in a full-blown argument or fight with her boyfriend.

This is where couples go wrong.

Holding off on a negative occurrence she should have addressed with her boyfriend weeks or months ago is what leads to future arguments and fights.

This doesn’t happen when a couple are transparent with each other and practice open communication on a consistent basis.

A negative occurrence never goes for weeks or months without being addressed.

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It gets addressed right when it occurs or soon after.

This keeps it from building to a boiling point, which leads to a heated argument or fight.

As long as you two have open communication that is consistent and transparent, heated arguments or fights simply don’t happen.

Is this the type of relationship you have with your boyfriend?

If it is, that is why you have never argued with your boyfriend after 6 months of dating.

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Now, should it be the opposite of this, where you are holding back on addressing issues within the relationship that have affected you negatively, you are playing with fire.

It is just a matter of time before the heated argument happens and it won’t look pretty, given the weeks or months of buildup.

One fateful day, out of nowhere, you get upset and voice your unhappiness over something negative that occurred months ago.

This makes it hard for your boyfriend to empathize with what you are saying, as it occurred a while back.

A boyfriend who doesn’t empathize is one who won’t be open to resolutions.

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This is the trap that lots of relationships fall into.

A delayed response to a negative event consequently leads to future arguments and fights that further damage the relationship.

As long as you are practicing open and consistent communication with your boyfriend, never permitting a negative occurrence to go unaddressed in a timely fashion, you are primed to have a relationship that is devoid of arguments for the foreseeable future and the long term.

This is a benefit most couples rarely have.

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