When A Guy Is A Womanizer, Does That Mean That He Can Never Be Faithful?

There are guys who are womanizers who can become faithful, to their own amazement and shock.

When A Guy Is A Womanizer, Does That Mean That He Can Never Be Faithful?These are womanizers that end up becoming faithful, thanks to having met someone that they aren’t used to.

A womanizer has a formula by which he attracts lots of women without having to commit to them.

These women are unwittingly drawn into a game of desire.

The more unattainable the guy appears, the more desirable he becomes.

It is easy to fall for a guy who makes it appear as though he doesn’t care about whether you like him or not.

This is especially true when he has given the woman the impression that there are gobs of women who are vying for his time.

Keep in mind, he has a formula.

He knows how to go about getting women to like him without having to commit to them and be faithful.

He gets away with this, as long as he continuously gets women to fall into his trap.

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A trap that creates an allure of unavailability.

These women vie for his attention or approval.

Unbeknownst to them, in obsessively vying for his attention, their emotional investment in him drastically increases.

This leads to an inability or unwillingness to detach from the guy, even though she knows that he is a womanizer.

A woman who doesn’t play into or fall for what this womanizer is doing, is the one that he has a greater propensity to become faithful to.

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It often takes a woman who is a player herself to understand what a male womanizer is up to.

That being said, you don’t need to be a female player to have the capacity to get a read on what he is doing, as long as you pay attention to these following clues.

A guy that is adept in telling you what you want to hear, but makes himself unavailable to you, is a womanizer.

He is aggressively attentive to you for a certain period of time, getting you to come to rely on this consistency, only to suddenly disappear on you.

This is where he is giving you the silent treatment, causing a desperate desire within you to hear from him.

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This is a womanizer.

Furthermore, he cancels dates on you, after getting you excited about where he was going to take you for said date.

This creates anxiety within you, leaving you hungry for his company, and depressed at his unreliability and unavailability.

This is a womanizer.

To get a womanizer to become faithful to you, you mustn’t react to his formula in a way he expects.

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A womanizer that you have been talking to for a while, who suddenly disappears on you, expects you to start calling him incessantly, like every woman does.

Unlike women who have fallen victim to his formula, do not call him incessantly.

The same applies to a womanizer who keeps cancelling dates on you.

Do not desperately attempt to set up another date with him.

This is how you avoid playing into his hands.

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Instead, live your life and have fun.

Talk to a variety of guys and go out on dates with them.

When he finally decides to stop giving you the silent treatment and chooses to text or call you, ignore him.

Let him make multiple attempts to communicate with you before you respond.

Keep your dating options open by regularly lining up dates with a good number of guys.

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This has a positive effect in giving you a sense of abundance.

This way, you are never relying on this womanizer to honor a date with you.

Yes, there is a coldblooded element to handling a womanizer.

Nevertheless, when you do not give this womanizer what he wants, in terms of how you react to him, it compels him to pursue you.

While doing this, he forgets about all the other women he is talking to and solely fixates on you.

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This is how he becomes emotionally invested in you.

A womanizer that is emotionally invested in you is faithful to you.

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