How To Get Over Your Crush And Move On From Him For Good

Although you have a crush on this guy and have had it for a while, accepting that he doesn’t like you facilitates in getting over him.

How To Get Over Your Crush And Move On From Him For GoodThat’s a harsh reality, but true.

Accepting this reality is a huge step in getting over your crush and this can’t be understated.

You wanted this crush to like you so badly, and envisioned what it would be like to date this crush or have this crush as a boyfriend or girlfriend.

Come back to reality.

Attraction and interest is a two-way street.

No matter how much you like this crush, they have to feel the same way as you do for this to work.

Once you see the two-way nature of all of this, you get over your crush a lot easier and faster.

This realization helps you accept your reality.

You accept that you are one individual and cannot impose your will on someone else.

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That person has to be mutually feeling the attraction for this to work.

The ideal is a crush who authentically likes you.

You don’t want a crush who is dating you as someone forced into a relationship or out of feeling sorry for you.

You have to be able to value yourself enough to understand that you are worth being truly liked by someone.

You want your crush to be with you from a place of heartfelt honesty.

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This is when you realize that this is something you shouldn’t force any longer.

The last thing you want is to be with someone who ultimately breaks up with you as a result of never having been genuine about liking you in the first place.

This is when they use you, taking advantage of how much you are into them.

They have no interest in being a true boyfriend or girlfriend, and they use you for the moment to fulfill a particular need that they have.

A need for intimacy or to have their egos boosted.

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In the end, they have every intention of ditching you once you have given them what they wanted and someone better comes along.

By letting go of this crush, you are saving yourself from being used which further motivates you to get over this crush.

Observe your crush’s flaws.

It’s commonplace to enamor a crush to such an extent you don’t believe they have any flaws, convinced they can do no wrong.

Your crush does have flaws.

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They are human after all.

No one is perfect or infallible.

When you realize that your crush isn’t all that perfect, getting over them is inevitable.

The reality of who they are becomes more apparent.

They don’t always say the right things or address people in the right manner.

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There is a poor sense of style or a poor taste in friends.

They aren’t as good at a particular task or activity as they try to make themselves seem.

This enables you to look at your crush as a regular person.

It knocks them off that pedestal that you once put them on.

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