Why Do People Play Mind Games In The Dating World?

Why Do People Play Mind Games In The Dating World?

People are insecure.

By playing mind games, it keeps them from exposing their vulnerabilities.

A guy that is constantly keeping you guessing about how he feels about you, has you on your toes.

You are frantically wondering about where he stands with you.

“Does he love me?”

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“Does he care for my happiness?”

“Does he not see my value as a partner or a potential partner?”

With this much anxiety, you turn to friends and family for advice.

When it has gotten too bad, you are desperate enough to turn to the internet for advice.

Which is why you have landed on this article.

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The truth is, what you are going through has much more to do with his insecurities than anything you have done.

He likes it that you aren’t sure about where you stand with him, or where he stands with you.

He likes knowing that you are invariably uncertain of what to say or do whenever he is interacting with you.

Once again, you are on pins and needles, unsure of how to interpret his words and behavior.

There is a fear that in misinterpreting something he said or did, you jeopardize any romantic momentum you have already built up with him.

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That alone keeps you from fully expressing how you feel in these occasions, and you are forced to keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself, not wanting to rankle or disaffect him.

People that play mind games in the dating world are all about hiding their insecurities while maintaining a sphere of control.

He knows that you won’t maintain a stance on anything you complain to him about for very long.

The moment he stops giving you his attention for an aggregated amount of time, you lose your stance.

You become weak, as you panic, wondering whether you are to ever hear from him again.

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The next thing you know, you lose whatever stance you were upholding, and give in to whatever it is that he wants.

Your stance was in complaining about his insensitivity to your feelings whenever he is spending too much time following numerous attractive girls on social media, but now that he has been ignoring you for a few days, you choose to overlook that.

This is despite the fact that you are right in complaining about this.

He is too obsessed with girls on social media, many of whom have sexually alluring photos of themselves with no boyfriend in sight in said photos.

You know that he fantasizes about what a life or a moment of intimacy with any of those gorgeous girls would be like.

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Yet, you give in.

You want so badly to hear from him again, you apologize for having caused a fuss by complaining about his social media debauchery.

He wins because you are tired of the silent treatment and want his attention back.

A guy that plays mind games in the dating world knows the tricks that work the most efficaciously.

When you complain that he doesn’t seem to care about doing the activities that you love to do, and only cares about doing activities that he loves to do whenever you two are together, he punishes you once more.

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All of a sudden, he chooses to not do any activities with you whatsoever, electing to spend the following weekend without you, leaving you wondering about what he is doing and whether he is with some other girl.

Maybe one of those girls he obsessively follows on social media.

This disappearance over the weekends persists for several weeks, and like clockwork, you relent and give in.

Yet again, you give in to his mind games, choosing to contact him, as you desperately exhort him to come and see you over the coming weekend.

It doesn’t matter what activity he wants to do, you are game.

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He wins once more.

Insecurity, control, and selfishness are at the core of someone who is motivated to play mind games in the dating world.

As long as you permit his bad behavior, you are stuck in a web of anxiety, discontent, and desperation.

None of this ever makes for a healthy relationship.