Why Did She Friend-Zone Me?

Why Did She Friend-Zone Me?

Everything with her was moving along swimmingly, until it wasn’t.

Her enthusiasm seemingly vanished overnight, and you no longer had her rapt attention.

This took you by surprise, as you thought that she was a surefire candidate for a prospective girlfriend.

As you reel from what has happened, you don’t know what led to her friend-zoning you.

It came out of nowhere, and you are flummoxed.

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A girl that suddenly friend-zones you isn’t experiencing a romantic spark with you.

Earlier on, she thought there was potential for a romantic spark to develop.

After all, there were similar interests and backgrounds shared between you.

She believed that this had to mean that there was romantic potential.

It didn’t.

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As the time went by, she was waiting for the romantic spark to occur.

When you were out with her at a restaurant, party, mall, or talking to her on the phone, she was waiting for that moment to occur.

The moment where her heart skips a beat and she is suddenly infused with transcendent exhilaration.

She knows what it is like to undergo a romantic spark with a guy.

She is fully aware of the butterflies it gives her.

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This sensation was what she was waiting for, but it never happened.

With each outing or conversation she had with you, it didn’t happen.

There were a handful of moments where she thought it was about to happen.

These were the moments where there was spirited conversation that seemed to be raising her temperature, in a pleasurable way.

Surely, this was it.

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It wasn’t.

The moment came and went without the crescendo she was expecting.

Disappointed, she cheered herself up by telling herself that she is getting closer to that romantic spark with you and that all she has to do is be patient.

Sadly, the next few times she socialized with you bore no fruit.

The romantic spark didn’t happen.

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She finally gave up.

This is when she made the decision to friend-zone you.

You, on the other hand, had a totally different experience than what she had.

You were already into her from the start.

Her beauty had you entranced, her smile made your heart skip a beat, and her touch made you swoon.

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You already knew from the first time you talked to her that she was giving you the right feelings.

That wasn’t so for her.

No matter how hard she desired it, a romantic spark never developed.

Romantic sparks aren’t created equal.

Knowing that you have a romantic spark with a girl doesn’t mean that she feels likewise, irrespective of how much you share in common and how interested she seems to be in you.

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It’s never a good idea to assume that a girl is feeling exactly what you are when you like her.

What works for you in terms of how you develop a romantic spark, isn’t certain to be what works for her.

It isn’t personal.

Even though she didn’t connect with your personality in a romantic fashion, it doesn’t mean another girl won’t.