A relationship that is based on sexual desire rarely turns to one of romance.
The whole reason why the sexual relationship occurred in the first place was based on a desire for nothing but sex with each other.
Neither party was looking for anything serious, at least, neither one made it clear that they wanted anything serious.
With this mindset, the stage was set for either party to solely regard the relationship as sexual in makeup.
As a result, there is no period of courtship.
There is no stretch of time where the primary intent is to get to know each other as potential long-term partners.
A period that normally lasts months.
Rather, from the very start of your relationship with him, it was all about getting it on.
He didn’t court you by taking you out on dates.
Conversations with you weren’t filled with questions designed to get to the bottom of who you are as a person and what you love.
In lieu of all this were countless nights at your place or his, and beds that wouldn’t stop shaking and creaking until the early hours of the morning.
Behavior like this is what lays the groundwork and sets expectations for the type of relationship you are in.
When he calls you late at night and asks to come over to have sex with you, he already expects to hear you say yes.
When you get horny and start sexting him from work, and he is giving you the sexual responses that turn you on, he is fulfilling a sexual need and that is what you expected from him.
You see, once a sexual relationship persists, expectations become set.
It is within these expectations that the two of you operate.
In suddenly realizing that you want a sexual relationship to become a romantic relationship, you are doing a complete course correct.
This is akin to taking a serviceable car that was good at taking you from point a to point b at a serviceable speed, and transforming it into a race car that can reach 100 miles an hour in a handful of seconds.
Treating a serviceable car as a race car only does one thing.
It pushes that serviceable car to limits it wasn’t built for, which ultimately leads to a busted engine and the death of the car.
A sexual relationship isn’t built to transition into a romantic relationship.
The foundation that has been set forth is based on sexual desire, as opposed to anything emotionally deep.
Even though you are now craving a romantic relationship, it doesn’t mean that you are actually in the right position to get into one.
He is someone that has given you plenty of orgasms.
That is a lot different from someone who is qualified to be a long-term partner to you.
In situations like this, it is typical to let the sexual chemistry you have with a guy lead you into believing that there is more of this goodness in other qualities that he supposedly possesses.
In most occasions, there isn’t.
A romantic relationship requires far more requirements than a sexual one.
A guy that has persisted in having a sexual relationship with you either believes he doesn’t have what it takes to have a romantic relationship with a woman, or the woman isn’t someone he sees himself spending the rest of his life with.