The fact that you are thinking about breaking up with your boyfriend is a clear indication of how unhappy you are feeling.
That said, he is your boyfriend.
There are reasons why you chose to make him your boyfriend in the first place.
Given all that, determining whether this is resolvable is a more clearheaded and wise approach.
What has led to you thinking about breaking up with your boyfriend?
Is your boyfriend aware of what disturbs you so?
Has there been a discussion in reference to what vexes you and a plan of action mutually agreed upon to resolve it?
In the moment, it’s easy to get caught up in your emotions.
You are upset and want an escape.
In the modern world we live in, it’s commonplace to believe that you can effortlessly replace your boyfriend.
After all, your social media is filled with DMs from male admirers, and there are always dating apps.
To this end, people miscalculate in ending their relationships too prematurely, believing that some random cute guy who recently liked multiple photos on their profile is a prospective candidate for their next boyfriend.
This is a fallacy.
When you are too quick to break up with a boyfriend, without having done everything you could to salvage the relationship, you are not walking into a happily-ever-after situation with a random cute guy you meet through social media.
He is cute on the surface, but you don’t really know what he is about.
It’s not at all unfeasible that beneath his good looks, he is someone who is the polar opposite of the qualities that you like in a partner.
These are qualities that attracted you to your present boyfriend.
Be careful that you aren’t thinking about breaking up with your boyfriend out of a belief that there is so much better out there.
The online world is a front.
What you see on a random cute guy’s social media profile, or dating profile on a dating app, isn’t necessarily who he is as a person.
It’s enticing to get lost in the fantasy of what you are seeing in this random cute guy’s photos.
All of a sudden, you are imagining yourself doing all those fun-looking activities alongside him.
You are lost in the clouds with your thoughts, based on photos and stories that a random cute stranger online is having you believe is his life.
Meanwhile, you have a boyfriend who you already know.
You have been around him long enough to know what he is about as a person and the lifestyle he leads.
There is no subterfuge involved because for however long you have been dating him, you have been privy to everything there is to know about him.
This is like money in the bank.
There is no mystery about whether he is presenting a false persona for the world to see, as would a random cute guy you meet on social media or on a dating app.
You already know what your boyfriend is about.
Before rushing into breaking up with your boyfriend, talk about what vexes you to him first.
Should he be inclined to make the critical changes required to remedy the situation, give him the time and opportunity to do it.
As the old saying goes, “The grass isn’t always greener on the other side.”