Category Archives: Social Media

Why Is It That Guys Have To Go Through Social Proof But Women Don’t When Dating?

Why Is It That Guys Have To Go Through Social Proof But Women Don't When Dating?Women are picky in who they choose to date, and often concerned about their personal safety.

A guy that has social proof has been vetted by society at large.

In having social proof, he has demonstrated that he has normal social relations and isn’t a psychopath.

Yes, women worry about dating a psychopath.

There is a reason why they are so obsessed with true crime stories.

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Should I Be Worried That My Boyfriend Follows A Bunch Of Cute Girls On Instagram?

Should I Be Worried That My Boyfriend Follows A Bunch Of Cute Girls On Instagram?Guys are visually stimulated by what they see.

As a consequence, they are exhilarated and motivated by beautiful images that are presented to them.

Beautiful images like those of cute girls on Instagram.

He is exhilarated by their beauty.

And yes, this doesn’t make you feel all that great as his girlfriend.

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Would You Date Someone Who Doesn’t Use The Internet At All?

Would You Date Someone Who Doesn't Use The Internet At All?In this day and age, a person who doesn’t use the internet at all is a unicorn.

In all seriousness, not everyone is comfortable with using the internet.

Sometimes, this is a guy that has had a traumatic history with the internet.

The internet is the Wild West.

Anyone and everyone, especially in the technologically advanced world, has access to it.

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Do Girls Really Online Stalk Every Man From Their Past?

Do Girls Really Online Stalk Every Man From Their Past?Girls do online stalk men from their past.

Not every single man from her past, but quite a few of them, and especially those she developed an emotional attachment to.

These moments mostly occur while she is single, at moments where she is having relationship issues with a new boyfriend, or she is bored.

For many, it’s a coping mechanism.

Her aspiration is that he isn’t doing better than she is in life.

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My Girlfriend Posted A Revealing Photo On Instagram And This Has Given Me Terrible Anxiety

My Girlfriend Posted A Revealing Photo On Instagram And This Has Given Me Terrible AnxietyThe revealing photo that your girlfriend posted on Instagram has triggered a terrible anxiety within you.

Unfortunately, you have had trust issues in the past with girls that you have dated.

Now, those trust issues have arisen on account of the revealing photo that your present girlfriend posted on Instagram.

So far, you have never had to contend with her posting revealing photos on Instagram.

This is her first occasion.

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