Category Archives: Friends To Lovers

My Best Friend’s Boyfriend Confessed To Me. I Do Like Him But Don’t Want To Ruin Friendships. What Should I Do?

My Best Friend's Boyfriend Confessed To Me. I Do Like Him But Don't Want To Ruin Friendships. What Should I Do?This was bound to happen, considering how often you two have looked at each other in the past, and the persistent sexual tension.

You have suspected that your best friend’s boyfriend has been into you for a while, and he finally confessed.

In that moment, you had no choice but to accept that you like him too.

That has put you in a quagmire.

You have been best friends with this girl for years.

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Why Would Someone Get Upset With You For Not Accepting Friendship When They Know You Like Them Romantically?

Why Would Someone Get Upset With You For Not Accepting Friendship When They Know You Like Them Romantically?This is a person that is incensed you had the nerve to turn down their proposal of friendship.

He knows that in having you as a friend, you are an easy ego boost for him whenever he needs it.

In the future, when he has a fight with a girl he is dating, he turns to you, his platonic friend, to make him feel better about the fight by giving him emotional support.

Whenever there is a dry spell in dating, he turns to you to boost his ego by telling him about how handsome he is, and how any girl would be lucky to have him as a boyfriend.

He knows that you like him romantically.

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How To Exit The Friend Zone, As A Girl That Wants A Boyfriend?

How To Exit The Friend Zone, As A Girl That Wants A Boyfriend?You are constantly in the friend zone with men, and much of this has to do with you not picking up on their romantic cues early on.

There have been several men in your past who gave you romantic cues that you didn’t reciprocate.

You were unaware of these romantic cues or chose to ignore them.

In not reciprocating, several of these men chose not to pursue you as a romantic prospect and didn’t ask you out on a date.

This is the moment he chose to put you in the friend zone.

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Why Does The Friend Zone Exist In Relationships Between Men And Women?

Why Does The Friend Zone Exist In Relationships Between Men And Women?Women have perpetuated the existence of the friend zone.

A woman puts a man in her friend zone when she knows that she isn’t romantically interested in him.

Though she likes his personality, she doesn’t feel a romantic spark with him.

There is an element she requires that triggers a romantic spark with a guy.

Despite thinking a guy good-looking, if the romantic spark isn’t there, she doesn’t see him as someone with romantic potential.

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Why Do A Lot Of My Guy Friends Keep Asking Me If I Am Single Every Time I Meet Them?

Why Do A Lot Of My Guy Friends Keep Asking Me If I Am Single Every Time I Meet Them?Sadly, you keep thinking that they are your guy friends in the truest sense of the word.

They aren’t.

The guys you are friends with want to sleep with you.

I know, the mere thought of sleeping with a guy friend is appalling to you.

It’s akin to a male sibling wanting to sleep with you.

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