Being A Single Man In Your 40s, Is It Harder Or Easier To Meet Someone?

Being A Single Man In Your 40s, Is It Harder Or Easier To Meet Someone?

As a single man in your 40s, the bulk of your friends are already married or in long-term relationships.

It isn’t like when you were in your teens or twenties when the lion’s share of your friends were single.

Without single friends, there isn’t much of a pool of prospective dates in your social circle.

When you are hanging out at a friend’s home for a get-together or barbecue over the weekend, all you see are your middle-aged friends who are there with their spouses, or long-term partners, with children running around.

There really isn’t much opportunity to meet someone single when your life in your 40s primarily consists of being at work, where you are surrounded by coworkers who are mostly paired up too, or hanging out with your friends on the weekends, who are mostly paired up, and in most cases, with the added burden of taking care of children.

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On the occasions that you want to change things up and go out over the weekend, instead of attending yet another get-together at a friend’s place who is already married or paired up, several of your friends are unavailable to meet at the bar or lounge for a few drinks and laughs.

The one that does tell you that he is available to do it cancels on you at the last minute, telling you that his wife got sick and he has to stay home and take care of her, and by default, the kids.

It’s always something.

Exasperated, you look through your phone contacts, going deeper than you have gone in years, on a mission to find friends who so happen to be single.

Though few, they do exist.

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Sadly, all of them have been through divorces that has left them broken.

Every time you ask them to go out with you on a Friday night, and that it is your treat, they tell you that they aren’t up to it.

You already know that several of them are hoping that the ex-wife calls and makes an attempt to reunite with them.

They never wanted a divorce in the first place.

No matter how much you work to get them to move on and start living again, they aren’t up to it.

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It was so much easier to get your single guy friends to go out with you on a Friday night when you were in your teens and twenties.

Now, the few single male friends that are available to you have been through a bitter divorce, lost their confidence, and want nothing to do with going out on the town.

Indeed, it gets harder to meet someone when you are single in your 40s, but it isn’t impossible.

Sometimes, you just have to suck it up and go out on your own.

Going solo to a bar or lounge isn’t unheard of.

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If anything, a man alone at a bar or lounge is less intimidating for women to approach, than a man surrounded by his male friends.

Should this lone wolf approach be too intimidating to you, think about joining interest groups that participate in activities you enjoy.

Do you like biking, hiking, camping, dancing, photography, golfing, recreational sports, etc.,?

Sign up and become a member of these interest groups.

This puts you among people, several of whom are women, who so happen to be single too.

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Should you hit it off with one or more of them, you won’t need to keep begging your married or paired up friends to go out with you on a Friday night.

She is your date on a Friday night.