A guy makes a lot of eye contact when he is attracted to a girl.
He is staring at the girl and looking to see whether she stares back at him.
When she does, he smiles or acknowledges her, if he is confident.
This is a telltale sign that he is attracted to the girl .
Continue reading Telltale Signs A Guy Is Attracted To A Girl →
Men are traditionally the ones who initiate the talking .
A woman expects this.
If you are into a woman and you are waiting on her to initiate a conversation with you, you risk never getting to talk to her at all.
By the time you realize it, she has moved on and is no longer giving you the signs of interest that she was giving you in the past.
Continue reading Who Should Initiate The Talking? →
A guy without a job isn’t a deal breaker to a girl, depending on what stage of life she is in.
A girl that is more about the excitement of hooking up with a guy and having carefree fun isn’t all that concerned that he doesn’t have a job.
This is especially true for women in their teens and early twenties.
At this stage in her life, she likes the idea of dating a guy that is exciting, charming, reckless, and fun to be around .
Continue reading Could A Girl Date A Guy Without A Job? →
As long as he is regularly taking you out on dates , and is fully invested in the conversations you have with him during said dates, his interest in you remains strong.
Guys aren’t the best texters.
He was texting you more frequently in the early stages of courtship wanting to use a trusted and universally patronized medium of communication as his vessel to keep you connected to him .
He wanted to stay on your radar as he followed those text messages up with dates on the weekends.
Continue reading The Texting Has Slowed, Is This Him Slowly Losing Interest In Me? →
As a man, your boyfriend knows how men think .
He believes that your single male friends are romantically interested in you.
The truth is, he is right.
Lots of single men who have women as “platonic” friends won’t turn down an opportunity to sleep with said women if offered the chance.
Continue reading Would You Stay In A Relationship If Your Boyfriend Doesn’t Want You To Have Male Friends? →
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