What Does “I Love You” Mean When It Comes From A Friend?

A friend that says “I love you” is informing you that he cares about you deeply as a close friend and confidant.

What Does "I Love You" Mean When It Comes From A Friend?He isn’t insinuating that he is “in love” with you.

There is a big difference between loving someone and being in love with someone.

If this is a friend that you have had for a while, he has a brotherly connection to you that makes him feel a deep sense of love and appreciation for you.

This emotion is further enhanced when he has had a history with you where you have been supportive of him through difficult times in his life.

To figure out whether this love goes deeper than mere friendship, ask him what he meant in saying what he did.

Have him explain what he means by telling you, “I love you.”

This puts him on the spot.

His body language informs you on where his heart is.

A guy that loves you more than just a friend, gets a little more nervous than usual, or finds it hard to maintain eye contact.

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You have taken him by surprise in asking him this question, and is now in a position where he has to explain himself.

A guy that loves you more than just a friend doesn’t tell anyone else that he loves them in quite the same way that he did to you.

When you observe that he never says “I love you” in quite the same way he does to his family and friends, there is a deep emotional connection he has established with you that goes beyond friendship.

He is clearly not using the phrase lightly.

This makes you special in his eyes, and he sees you as more than a friend.

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Be observant of behavior from him that is out of the norm.

When he tells you he loves you in a quiet moment, this is poignant.

There was nothing crazy going on that led to him saying it.

Nothing was happening, and all of a sudden, he says it.

A quiet moment.

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In saying those words in quiet moments, where there isn’t any distraction, he is placing a deeper meaning in what he says.

This means that he didn’t say it at the spur of the moment.

He said it thoughtfully.

That is a strong indication that he thought about what he was going to say before he said it.

He was slightly anxious about it, but he said it anyway.

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There was a potent desire to get it out of him and get a consequent reaction out of you.

If the reaction was positive, he is now hopeful that you are in love him, as he is in love with you.

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