Do Guys Really Mean What They Say To Girls They Are Romancing?

When it is a guy who is used to lying and getting away with it, thanks to plenty of girls from his past forgiving him for it, the veracity of what he says is in question.

Do Guys Really Mean What They Say To Girls They Are Romancing?He says what suits him for that moment so as to get what he wants.

This is why it is helpful to know this guy’s history in relationships.

With a history of lying to his partners, he is bound to lie to you.

This is a guy who doesn’t mean what he says.

When unfaithfulness has been a significant reason why he has had a hard time holding on to relationships, he doesn’t mean what he says.

A guy that tends to break or cancel on dates that have already been set up doesn’t mean what he says.

Look at his history with his previous partners and yourself.

Those particular moments when he has been dishonest are the moments that you need to take account of.

Use his reputation to figure out whether he is the type of guy who really means what he says.

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What do his friends, family and acquaintances say about him?

If they tend to praise his character, there is a strong probability that he is a guy who means what he says.

For this to work, get a good volume of opinions before you decide on whether he is the sort of guy who means what he says.

In other words, try to talk to a varying number of people.

Learn from his friends, family, acquaintances, work colleagues, ex girlfriends and even his neighbors.

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This is a good cross section of individuals.

When you keep hearing nothing but good things about him, again, the probability is tremendous that he is a guy who really means what he says.

His reputation is an effective tool in finding out about how much you can trust him and how likely he is to really mean what he says.

Also, a good way to tell that a guy really means what he says is when he tends to make promises that he keeps to others.

A guy who honors his engagements with friends, family and colleagues, is demonstrating trustworthy characteristics.

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Having a habit of honoring his engagements with others means that he would most likely do the same with you.

Pay attention to his consistency in conversations.

When he tells you stories or opinions during your conversations that he tends to remember in great detail in later conversations, he was being serious and more than likely truthful about what he was telling you.

On the flip side, there are some guys who tell you something and completely forget about it when you bring that topic up on a future discussion.

This is a guy who wasn’t really paying attention to what he was saying which means that he was lying or fibbing.

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When, on the other hand, he remembers details about what he has talked to you about in the past and is consistent in bringing those topics up in similar detail, he is a guy who really means what he says.

This is also behavior that demonstrates that this guy is a great candidate to fulfill the role of a future boyfriend.

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