Guy I’m Seeing Expects Me To Pay For Everything?

Guy I'm Seeing Expects Me To Pay For Everything?

This wasn’t how your relationship with him began.

In the early weeks and months of courtship, he split the bill with you.

There were a few times where you hoped to be treated on a date, but he never did.

That was disappointing, but at least, in those early days, he was splitting the bill.

Now, you are so lucky if he so much as paid a tip.

You are the one paying for everything.

That goes for when you go out on dates with him, and when he comes over to your place to hang out.

You are footing the bill on both counts.

He doesn’t even bring anything with him when he comes to hang out at your place. Not so much as a bottle of wine or chocolates.

What gives?

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I see where you are struggling with this one.

There are elements to his character that you adore.

His wit, charm, and sharpness, were a few of the reasons why you fell for him in the first place.

Whenever you are around him, you are overwhelmed with these positive elements to his personality.

It’s intoxicating.

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A feeling that you haven’t felt with a guy in a while.

To this end, you have stuck this out.

You have made yourself believe that as long as he keeps making you feel good in the arena of his wit, charm, and sharpness, you can live with the expectation that you pay for everything, for a while.

It has been a few months now and your tolerance is wearing thin.

Although you have feelings for him, you are worried about the prospects of dating him for the long-term.

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You have never thought of yourself as someone who assumes the role of breadwinner in a relationship.

If you were to be with him long-term, it is increasingly conceivable that you are the one who assumes that role.

Although he works, it’s hard for you to see him assuming the financial responsibility in a relationship.

The impression you have of him is one of a taker.

The idea that he will keep expecting you to pay for everything while he gets to spend his money on whatever he wants for himself is frightening.

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As the weeks have turned to months, and there has been no end in sight to his mooching behavior, you don’t see anything changing.

Take it from me, you are right in having these fears.

Everything you are experiencing in your relationship with him is a precursor to what a long-term relationship with him looks like.

Don’t mislead yourself into thinking that somewhere down the line, a change in his behavior is feasible.

It isn’t.

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Think about how many excuses he has given you whenever he has chosen not to pay for something, leaving it all to you.

The excuses have been adding up over time, which means that he has established a pattern of doing this and is comfortable with it.

This makes it all but impossible for him to change his behavior.

With this knowledge, you are better off letting this guy go and moving on.

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