If You’re A Bad Texter, Does That Change When You’re Dating Someone?

If You're A Bad Texter, Does That Change When You're Dating Someone?

A bad texter has established a habit.

Although the first few weeks of dating someone has a bad texter texting more frequently, this is short-lived.

Once the initial excitement dies down, the bad texter is reverting to his bad texting ways.

Once bad texting is a habit, a new relationship doesn’t permanently change it.

Human beings are creatures of habit.

We fall back on what we know and are accustomed to once the excitement of meeting and dating someone new wears out.

Keeping this in mind, don’t look to someone new that you are dating as a panacea for bad texting.

Bad texting is fated to return after the flames of a new relationship die down.

It’s a good idea to work on improving your texting skills before the excitement wears out.

She might not know that you are a bad texter right now because you are excited about her and you are sending more texts than you normally do to people in your life.

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There is conscientious effort on your part to come up with topics to talk about, being that you want to keep this woman in your life.

She is getting used to this.

In this synopsis, she is yet to know that you are a bad texter.

Once the excitement of a new relationship winds down and you revert to bad texting, she is left confused.

She wonders why it is taking you longer to respond to her messages or why you aren’t initiating messages any longer.

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When you do initiate, it’s a generic message.

She can tell that you aren’t making an effort to introduce new interesting topics as a source of conversation.

You have gotten lazy.

This is where you run the risk of losing her with time.

Being that you started your relationship with her by showing her that you were a good texter, which you were faking, she is left thinking that what you are now doing must mean you have lost interest.

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How you communicate from the commencement of a relationship is pivotal.

This is what she comes to expect.

Let’s say, instead of pretending you were a good texter, you told her the truth about being a bad texter, but in the process, you suggested communicating through a different medium that you are much better at using and much more consistent on.

This is smart.

If she agrees to the medium of communication you suggest, you have given yourself a much better shot at maintaining this form of communication into perpetuity.

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Basically, you don’t fall off like you would if you were texting her as the main form of communication.

This saves the relationship.

Should you choose to text instead, as a main form of communication, be aware that you are destined to fall off in time.

Remember, you are a bad texter.

Old habits die hard.

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As you get used to her, reverting back to the old habit of bad texting is inevitable.

This is a recipe for disaster.

As aforementioned, it leaves her wondering whether you have lost interest in her.

This leads to less emotional investment in the relationship, and before you know it, she is dumping you.

By choosing to go the texting route, you mustn’t fall off.

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To remain consistent, think about using voice texting.

Many guys hate having to type on a keypad to send a text message.

Voice texting takes that burden away.

Think about using voice texting as your main method of texting her.

This makes it easier to text.

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As long as she is receiving consistent text messages from you, she is happy, and could care less whether you used your fingers or voice to construct them.

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