Is It Unattractive If A Girl Is Too Chill?

Is It Unattractive If A Girl Is Too Chill?

Though you used to think that being relaxed, calm, and low maintenance were great qualities to have as a girl, you are strongly rethinking this.

As a girl who considers herself to be too chill, you aren’t happy with how your love life has gone.

The guys around you are primarily attracted to high maintenance girls who are self-centered and egotistical.

This has left you scratching your head.

These girls are the complete opposite of you.

All this time, you were made to believe that the low maintenance girls were supposed to be the most desirable, as they are more feminine.

Yet, you have consistently seen men chase after the brash, over-sexualized, high maintenance girls.

It is no wonder that you have changed your thinking about what guys are attracted to.

As far as you are concerned, being a girl that is too chill has done nothing to benefit your love life.

All it has done is leave you alone and lonely on Friday nights, and you don’t want this anymore.

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The idea of changing yourself into a high maintenance girl has crossed your mind more times than you would like to admit.

Notwithstanding, the idea of transforming yourself into someone you are not makes you sick to your stomach.

The truth is, you love being chill and relaxed, it is who you have been from as far back as you can remember.

Is there a happy medium here?

Is it possible to be a girl that is too chill and still be attractive to men?

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It most certainly is.

Men aren’t unattracted to girls who are too chill.

That isn’t the reason why you have had trouble attracting guys.

The issue is that in being too chill, regardless of the circumstance, lots of men have a very hard time reading you.

He doesn’t know whether you are attracted to him or not.

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Your calm, nonchalant demeanor isn’t giving him that much to work with in terms of determining whether you are attracted to him.

Men look for signals of interest from a girl.

He is looking to see whether she makes eye contact with him and sustains it.

Whether she smiles at him or touches him.

Does she give him compliments or tease him?

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You see, your issue isn’t that you are too chill, it’s that you have allowed that to keep you from sending the right romantic cues to guys you are attracted to.

A guy attracted to you doesn’t know that you are attracted to him too when your body language towards him is too lackadaisical.

Body language that is this lax towards him, leaves him with the impression that you aren’t interested in him.

He has nothing to go on.

When you are too chill with everyone, you aren’t sending the proper signals of interest to the guys that are interested in you.

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You aren’t doing anything to differentiate your body language to show the guys you are attracted to that you are, well, attracted to them.

The high maintenance women you are seeing these men chase after know how to draw attention to themselves, whether it be in how they dress, talk or the energy they exude.

The last thing you are doing as a girl that is this chill is tryin to draw attention to yourself.

When you combine this with body language that is bereft of romantic cues, it’s next to impossible to get these men to approach you.

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