Do Guys Like Shy Or Confident Girls More In Regards To Attraction?

A confident girl is clear about whether she likes him or not, by showing him more straightforward signs of romantic interest through her body language.

Do Guys Like Shy Or Confident Girls More In Regards To Attraction?Therefore, guys like confident girls more.

A confident girl is responsive to flirting and decisive in making a move on a guy, when she believes there is an obvious opening.

Most guys find it a little bit more tricky with the shy girl.

A guy who has had more experiences with a shy girl is normally the one who makes attempts to approach her more aggressively, knowing how a shy girl acts and what to expect.

He knows what signs to look for being that his previous girlfriend, who was shy, showed the exact same signs of interest when he was initially talking to her.

The guys who are used to having shy girlfriends in the past are the ones who are more prone to going for them.

There are guys who are shy themselves.

Guys who are shy themselves are drawn to someone that is like them.

Your best bet as a shy girl is to turn your attention to shy guys.

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The problem with this however is that when you are both shy, it is difficult for either person to make the first move.

To figure out whether this shy guy likes you is to observe how he behaves around you.

Since you are shy as well, you will know what to look for, considering you do the exact same things when you like someone.

You look for the possibility that he does look at you but looks away the moment he sees that you are about to look back at him.

You look for him constantly fidgeting with an object, like his keys, whenever you are around, as he is nervous around you and trying to direct his attention to something else.

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You look for him talking to other members of your group but refusing to look your way or talk to you, even though you are in the same group.

You look for him getting quiet when you are around even though he was just speaking quite comfortably with his friends before you entered the vicinity.

These are all very strong signs that this is a shy guy who likes you.

Since you are a shy girl, some of the behaviors I just described are behaviors you exhibit too.

Use how you behave as a shy girl as your guide to ascertain whether this other guy who seems to also be shy likes you.

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As far as being a shy girl and attracting a confident guy, it can certainly be done.

Working on being more obvious with your body language facilitates in getting a confident guy to like you.

As long as you learn about the body language cues that gets a guy’s attention, you have the capacity to attract the guy you want.

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