Signs That A Guy Is Only Interested In Sex And Not A Relationship?

Signs That A Guy Is Only Interested In Sex And Not A Relationship?

Proper dates are few.

When dates do happen, they aren’t planned out.

And he would much rather not do them.

He makes a haphazard attempt in the beginning.

He takes you out once or twice, but soon after, he is asking to come over to your place or telling you to come over to his place.

He makes it sound like he wants to hang out with you and get to know you.

When you are at each other’s place, the conversations don’t come off as though he wants to gain knowledge about who you really are as a person.

There is too much flirting and he can’t keep his hands off you.

You instinctively sense that his energy is totally sexual in nature.

To make it worse, you are confident that, were you to ask him about a personal detail you shared with him in a prior conversation, he would fail to recollect it.

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A guy who is only interested in sex is terrible at recollecting core details about you that were revealed in conversations past.

His mind is concerned with one thing and one thing only.

Having sex.

That’s why it’s been only one or two haphazardly arranged dates and he is now at your place, or you are at his.

Besides a lack of proper dates, a guy who is only interested in sex and not a relationship constantly requests sexy or nude pics.

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At first, you don’t mind this.

The thought of him gushing over your sexy or nude pics makes you feel like a million bucks.

It boosts your ego, and you feel like you are the only girl in his world.

Things change when you realize that he requests far more sexy or nude pics from you than he attempts to make proper conversation.

It’s like a hobby to him, as he takes on a role of a collector of this stuff.

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Suddenly, you don’t feel as sexy or special as you once did.

You feel like an object and can’t help but think about how many other girls with sexy or nude pics he has featured in the photo gallery of his personal computer or smartphone.

When a guy is only interested in sex, he disappears and reappears in your life based on his own selfish sensual desires.

For weeks he is barely making an effort to communicate with you.

You are the one doing most of the initiating and have to wait for days to get a response.

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Out of nowhere, you start hearing from him with supercharged frequency.

He is texting or calling you throughout the day and giving you exponentially greater attention than you are used to.

This is a ploy.

He does this because he is horny.

The idea is to warm you up to him for a few days before making an attempt to sleep with you.

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Maybe he takes you out on a date to make you feel like he is taking you seriously, but soon after that date, he brings you back to his place or goes to yours, with every intention of getting you to sleep with him.

Once he has slept with you, the days that follow are consistent with his past behavior.

His communication is erratic again.

You feel manipulated.

Angry, you text a bevy of insults at him, overwhelmed with your emotions.

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He doesn’t care.

He got what he wanted, until the next time.

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