How To Get Over These Memories That Hurt Me So Deeply?

Being that you are the one who conjures up these memories, you have a degree of control over how often these memories come into your consciousness.

How To Get Over These Memories That Hurt Me So Deeply?The fact that these memories hurt you so deeply, they clearly have a profound effect on you.

This means that you haven’t let go of the person who is constantly in those memories.

You become so attached to the images that you see in these memories, you are compelled to think of better days.

The days that you were with this person and getting along swimmingly.

As these memories dominate your consciousness, you become emotionally attached to them.

This leads to a dependence on them.

A dependence that compels you to conjure more of these memories, even though they end up hurting you.

The pull is too strong, and you struggle to keep yourself from avoiding these memories.

So as to feel closer to this person from your past, you conjure these memories time and time again.

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It is as though you are bringing back these memories to keep this person as a part of your life.

By continuously bringing up these memories, you

You are temporarily making yourself feel better by tricking yourself into believing that this is a person that continues to be a presence in your life.

This makes the memory seem recent, which makes it that much more potent.

Inevitably, the hurt sets in after a few moments as you come back to reality, realizing that it was all a memory, and that this person is presently gone.

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Get over these memories that hurt you by accept the reality that this relationship is now in your past, and never to return.

Make a conscious decision to avoid allowing these memories to become a major part of your daily consciousness.

Be fully aware of your consciousness.

Whenever these memories appear, quickly switch to different unrelated thoughts, or bring yourself back to what you are doing in that moment.

This discipline keeps these memories that hurt you so deeply at bay.

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Keep yourself busy by doing activities that challenge you, and you love.

As you are preoccupied in doing these activities, these memories are less likely to have the room to appear in your consciousness.

Create new memories in your life by going on new adventures and making new friends.

As you indulge in these endeavors, new memories are being created in your mind.

These are fresh memories that eventually replace the old memories that hurt you so much.

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Remember, these memories are images.

They aren’t solid.

Images appear and disappear.

So do memories.

Due to their impermanence, they lack substance.

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By replacing these hurtful memories with new ones, you keep them from becoming concrete entities in your mind.

This keeps you from getting hurt by them.

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