What Is The Difference Between Confidence And Arrogance In Guys?

The difference between confidence and arrogance is blurry and confusing, which leads to mistaking the two.

What Is The Difference Between Confidence And Arrogance In Guys?There are clear definitions of the two that differentiate them.

Once you know what to look for, it becomes easier to separate them.

Confidence is usually a lot more subtle than arrogance.

It isn’t showy nor drawing attention to itself.

Confidence is usually relatively unspoken but clearly there.

It is a quiet assurance that doesn’t need any showy acts of machismo to prove that it exists.

It is not so much in how loud and boisterous someone is, but more so in how they know that this is not needed to prove their confidence.

Confidence already knows what it is, not showing off or declaring itself loud and clear to everyone in the room.

Confidence is not defined by what it is wearing or how hip it is.

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A confident guy doesn’t have to wear the latest and hottest clothing or accessories to be confident.

He looks totally casual or dressed up and continues to give off the aura of being confident.

Again, confidence isn’t showy.

It doesn’t need to be, as it is already there innately.

There is no need to make it be known and announce its presence to the world.

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There is self-assuredness that comes with confidence.

Words don’t always have to be spoken.

Someone else doesn’t have to be brought down so that this so-called confident person shows others that they are confident.

Real confidence doesn’t require that anyone else suffers in order to make the person who is trying to show that he is confident look that way.

No one has to be a scapegoat.

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This is what confidence is.

It is self-assured and innately there without needing to scream to everyone in the room that it is there.

Arrogance is the opposite of this.

It is significantly more showy, consumed with telling people that it is there.

Taking liberties bringing others down just so that this person feels better and superior.

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Arrogance is needy.

It wants you to know that it is there and is upset when it doesn’t get attention, believing it deserves attention.

It does whatever it needs to in order to get that attention and lies to do so, saying things that aren’t true to make it look better.

It says it has skills and talents that it doesn’t.

Arrogance comes from a place of insecurity.

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It masks that insecurity by trying to be more than what it really is.

To do so, it lies or puts others down, pretending it is something it isn’t and forcing itself to believe that.

Arrogance is concerned about keeping up appearances, so afraid to look weak in front of others.

It is so insecure about letting down its facade and showing its true face.

It mimics confidence and gets away with it, as people are gullible to first impressions and misread the signs.

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Beneath arrogance is fear.

That fear is masked by a false sense of who he has imagined himself to be.

As long as he keeps up the act, he continues mistaking his arrogance for confidence.

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