Can A Guy Be Too Confident In How He Behaves Or Is There Such A Thing?

Girls are attracted to guys who are confident, as long as his confidence isn’t insincere and overdone.

Can A Guy Be Too Confident In How He Behaves Or Is There Such A Thing?A guy takes confidence too far when it transitions into conceit.

This is when a lot of girls get turned off.

In coming off as though he is all about himself and incapable of thinking about the well-being of someone else, a girl is less inclined to get involved with him.

Know the difference between being legitimately confident and being conceited.

When you are legitimately confident, you don’t need to tell anyone that you are better than them or stick your nose up at them.

You naturally exude an air of confidence that requires no introduction.

This is the purest and truest form of it.

When you feel the need to tell everyone about all you have, or what you have accomplished in life, you are being conceited.

In this case, you believe that acting this way is how demonstrate how confident you are.

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On the contrary, girls look at this attitude as a cover-up.

When a guy tries this hard to impress by spitting off his accomplishments or wearing an overabundance of gold, he is hiding something.

He comes off as though he is seeking the approval of people at large.

This is when you are now not only showing conceit but insecurity.

In essence, you are now showing the opposite of confidence.

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A girl looks at you as someone who is desperately seeking approval by being so showy.

This is where you give off the wrong vibe.

A confident guy doesn’t have to spout off about everything he has accomplished.

There is an air of mystery that comes with him.

People sense that he is accomplished and they are curious about what those accomplishments are.

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He has an air of security and they wonder where he gets it from.

They want to be a part of that, have some of it.

He becomes a magnet.

They are drawn to him because they want to be a part of that energy.

They are curious about him and hope that by being around him, they get to better themselves, or learn something new.

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This is when a confident guy really shines.

When a guy believes that he has to act overconfident in order to show confidence, he is merely being insecure.

Some girls don’t catch this at first.

Upon further interaction or observation, they get it.

This is when they don’t want to be around this guy.

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They know that he is being fake and that all he cares about doing is bloviate about how much better he is than everyone else.

This doesn’t attract people in a positive manner.

A guy can never be too confident, as long as he doesn’t allow the element of conceit or insecurity to become the undercurrent of his demeanor.

A confident smile goes a long way without having to follow that up with a huge entourage of fake friends.

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