Is It Off-Putting To A Guy If A Girl Doesn’t Have Friends Due To Anxiety Issues?

Is It Off-Putting To A Guy If A Girl Doesn't Have Friends Due To Anxiety Issues?

A guy initially likes a girl for who she is as a person.

The friends we have in our lives have some sway in who we are as a person, but our true identity is determined through our individuality.

A guy who doesn’t like a woman’s personality, isn’t going to like her friends either.

It starts with your personality before anything else.

Even though you don’t have friends due to anxiety issues, what is your personality like?

Do you have one?

Besides your looks, your personality is what keeps a guy around and intrigues him.

A great personality is intoxicating to men.

What are you about as a person?

What are your passions and interests?

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Instead of obsessing over whether it is off-putting to a guy if you have no friends, apply your attention to what makes you a uniquely interesting individual.

What is a typical week in your life like?

In having anxiety issues, it’s unlikely you spend your days at rambunctious social venues surrounded by people.

That’s alright.

You are closer to an introvert.

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You are in good company.

Lots of people are introverts.

Though not all of them have anxiety issues, many aren’t excited about the prospect of occupying social spaces where an army of people abound.

Rather, they prefer less crowded spaces and time doing solitary activities.

What do you love to do with your solitary time?

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Reading, writing, drawing, etc., ?

Whatever your passions, they contribute in defining who you are as a person.

Don’t let your anxiety issues define who you are.

A guy is drawn to who you are as a person.

Show him that person whenever you talk to him.

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When you are consumed with how off-putting it is that you have no friends, you never give him an avenue to your personality.

This is where your anxiety issues and its consequences take center stage, instead of you, the person.

Remember, you are not on an island.

There are people with anxiety issues everywhere.

The ones who have great love lives never let their anxiety issues govern their outlook on life.

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Although they don’t have many or any friends, they work on building an interesting life through their passions.

There is no excuse for never exploring passions that intrigue you.

Social anxiety issues don’t stop you from exploring a world of solitary activities, whether it be in art, science, entertainment, academics, etc.

These are the pillars that add up to who you are as a person.

Let’s say you decided to learn a new language.

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You go about it in a solitary fashion through studying it online, and so happen to meet a guy in this online class who is learning the same language.

Instantly, you have something in common.

This new language has brought you two together.

From here, a conversation ensues and over the coming weeks, the budding stems of a potential romantic relationship are developed.

During this period, he has found himself drawn to your personality, having learned that not only are you interested in learning this new language, but you are passionate about literature, drawing, music, playing video games, comic books, solving crossword puzzles, etc.

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He falls for you as a person because you never drew attention to your anxiety issues or to your dearth of friends.

You directed his attention to your personality.

This is where you win a guy over, regardless of whether you have friends or not.

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