She Said She’s Not Sure If She Likes Me But Still Stares At Me?

Be sure that you aren’t misinterpreting or misreading her behavior in believing that she is staring at you.

She Said She's Not Sure If She Likes Me But Still Stares At Me?As human beings, when we like someone, we are prone to deceiving ourselves.

We make ourselves believe something that isn’t real.

In your case, you make yourself believe she is staring at you, as that is what you want to see.

In liking her, your brain tricks you into believing that she was staring at you, when in reality, she was looking past you or at something else in your general direction.

This is why establishing that she is still staring at you as opposed to misleading yourself into believing that she is takes precedence.

If you believe that she is still staring at you after having told you that she isn’t sure if she likes you, she is shy.

She doesn’t quite know how to handle you or doesn’t have much experience in romantic relationships.

This dearth of experience and the anxiety it induces gets the best of her.

She struggles to give you a definitive answer, fearing that she won’t live up to your expectations or will screw it up.

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A girl who hasn’t had that many relationships behaves like this.

She isn’t that grounded in who she is as a person and that adversely affects how she behaves in romantic situations.

She has anxiety.

Since she feels like this, she wants to have additional time to observe you.

She is still staring at you, intent on observing your behavior.

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As she stares at you, she gets a greater impression of how you carry yourself and what you tend to talk about with others.

What you have a tendency to talk about to others gives her an idea on whether you two share the same interests.

She uses these moments as her guide.

These moments facilitate in getting her to make a decision on whether your personality is compatible with hers.

A girl who is shy and has little experience in dating has a penchant to use this approach.

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This caution-first approach makes it easier on her to figure out whether you are the right guy for her.

She is hoping that you are patient with her.

When she stares at you, she is sending the signal that she is interested in dating you in the future but wants to get to know you better first.

She musters up the courage to verbally tell you that she likes you sooner or later, but her overarching hope is that you two build a friendship first.

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