Category Archives: Courtship

Is It Wrong To Still Want To Be With A Woman Who Isn’t Very Smart?

Is It Wrong To Still Want To Be With A Woman Who Isn't Very Smart?There is nothing inherently wrong with this.

Although she isn’t very smart, there are alternate qualities about her that you appreciate.

She doesn’t have the intellect to have a deeply intellectual conversation with you, but you don’t care about that.

While for many, intellectual conversation is an important factor in attraction, that has no bearing on what you like in this woman.

The initial hesitation you feel about wanting to be with a woman who isn’t very smart is in how you are judged by people.

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Do You Consider It A Deal Breaker If Your Date Has Friends Of The Opposite Sex?

Do You Consider It A Deal Breaker If Your Date Has Friends Of The Opposite Sex?A date that has friends of the opposite sex is fraught with peril.

Your first instinct is to be weary that your date has so many names of members of the opposite sex on her phone.

Even worse when you see that she has more male friends on her social media than female friends.

The thing is, there is good reason to consider making it a deal breaker if a date has friends of the opposite sex.

It’s not that she is consciously intent on sleeping with these men.

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Anytime I Meet Any Man I Find Even A Bit Interesting, I Let Him Take Over My Entire Life. What’s Wrong With Me?

Anytime I Meet Any Man I Find Even A Bit Interesting, I Let Him Take Over My Entire Life. What's Wrong With Me?He takes over your entire life by filling a void within you.

Unfortunately, you don’t value yourself or your life all that much.

You are bored with yourself and your life.

You want someone to come into it so that there is a spark of life.

When any man who is a bit interesting is suddenly a candidate for dating, you are showing that you are desperate to be awakened from the monotony of your life.

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I Have Big Career Goals And Want To Focus On My Career. Do I Have To Give Up On Dating, Marrying, And Creating A Family?

I Have Big Career Goals And Want To Focus On My Career. Do I Have To Give Up On Dating, Marrying, And Creating A Family?Having big career goals is a plus, given the financial rewards.

And yes, focusing on your career to get yourself up that corporate ladder is prudent.

But, there is no reason for you to give up on dating, marrying and creating a family for the sake of achieving your big career goals.

Lots of people achieve career success and get to date, marry and create families in tandem.

It’s about how you balance your time.

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I Think I Have Found The Perfect Guy, And I Don’t Want To Ruin It By Coming On Too Strong Or Being Weird In Any Way

I Think I Have Found The Perfect Guy, And I Don't Want To Ruin It By Coming On Too Strong Or Being Weird In Any WayAlthough you think you have found the perfect guy, it is far too early to get caught up on what could be.

Realistically, you don’t know this guy well enough to determine whether he is the right guy for you.

I know you are excited right now.

It makes sense.

It’s been a while since you have met a guy like this, and you are beside yourself with excitement.

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