This Girl And I Have A Lot In Common. Should I Pursue A Relationship With Her?

This Girl And I Have A Lot In Common. Should I Pursue A Relationship With Her?Having a lot in common with a girl is a good foundation.

It makes it easier to connect with her on a number of levels, and reduces the chances of having deep-rooted disagreements that hurt romantic compatibility.

This being said, you shouldn’t be too fast to pursue a relationship with her.

Sometimes, people are disingenuous in the early stages of dating.

This is when she is pretending to have a lot in common with you, so as to get you to like her.

A girl that desperately wants your approval isn’t above being this disingenuous.

This is especially true if you are a catch that is widely sought after.

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When you are an attractive or popular guy, there are a myriad of women that naturally gravitate to you and want to date you.

She knows this.

Not only does she want to be your girlfriend, she wants to beat out all the other girls that have been vying for your attention.

This gives her a profound ego boost, alongside the satisfaction of winning you over.

Before you decide on pursuing a relationship with the girl that you have a lot in common with, vet her first.

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Basically, verify that she has been truthful in giving you the impression that she has a lot in common with you.

Look at her social media pages and posts.

Is she posting stories and pictures that are in common with your interests and life experiences?

Look at her friends.

Follow them too.

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As human beings, we have a tendency to make friends with people who are like us.

These are people who love the same activities we do, share the same principles and ideologies, etc.

Take a look at the social media pages of her friends.

Are her friends participating in activities that you have in common?

Are their ideological posts congruent with your own ideological beliefs?

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As aforementioned, human beings have a tendency to make friends with those that are similar to them.

If she has friends whose posts have no congruency with your lifestyle and ideologies, this isn’t insignificant.

The same applies to if she is making similar incongruent posts as well.

This means that she doesn’t have as much in common with you as she would have you believe.

Additionally, a girl that is being disingenuous about having a lot in common with you, exhibits this in how she behaves alongside you, as she is participating in the activities that you have in common with her.

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Have her partake in several of these activities with you, and observe.

Is she knowledgeable about the activity?

Is she energetic and excited as she is doing it with you?

A girl that isn’t knowledgeable about the activity nor showing enthusiasm about it, doesn’t like the activity.

This is your first hint that she doesn’t have that activity in common with you.

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Watch out for subterfuge.

She feigns excitement the first time or two you indulge in these activities, but don’t be fooled.

As long as you keep having her do these activities with you, the veneer wears off, and all of a sudden, she is lackadaisical.

Soon, she is slyly making suggestions to do a completely different activity, under the guise of being curious about said activity.

This is a trick.

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She doesn’t want to do the activity that you are suggesting, and would much rather do a different one that she is most likely more familiar and agreeable with.

Putting her through this gamut is how you test her in real time.

This is where she has to back up what she has said in regards to what she has in common with you.

A failure to consistently demonstrate her knowledge and enthusiasm in these activities, is how you know that she has lied to you about what she has said that she has in common with you.

Do not pursue a relationship with this girl until you have vetted and tested her.

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