My Crush Wants To Hook Me Up With Her Friend. What Should I Do?

My Crush Wants To Hook Me Up With Her Friend. What Should I Do?Clearly, the one you like is your crush.

The same crush that wants to hook you up with her friend.

This is what happens when you have a crush and you don’t tell her about how you feel about her.

As far as she is concerned, you are a great guy that she believes would make a great boyfriend to her friend.

She has assessed your physical appearance and personality, and has concluded that her friend is a great match for you.

Unfortunately, this isn’t what you were looking for.

You like your crush, not her friend.

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As far as what you should do, it’s time to tell her that you like her.

This should have been done a while back.

You didn’t do it.

And now, you are in this uncanny predicament.

As long as you know that your crush is single, tell her that you like her and want to take her out.

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I know this sounds scary.

That being said, by procrastinating in doing this, you have put yourself in the current predicament you are in.

I know that the thought of telling your crush that you like her and want to go out with her is intimidating.

There is a reason why you are yet to do it, even though you have had a crush on her for some time.

You have been terrified about the prospect of getting rejected by your crush.

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Unfortunately, by waiting this long to tell her about how you feel about her, you developed an even deeper amount of admiration for her.

You have taken too much time to tell her, causing you to create stories about what a life with her would be like in your mind.

These images made you feel good, and before you knew it, this fantasy felt like a reality.

Every time she would smile at you, there was an instant surge of excitement within you.

Instantly, you interpreted her smile as a sign that she likes you.

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Any time she would give you a compliment, the surge of excitement was triggered again.

Here you were, lost in this feeling, telling yourself that she has shown yet another sign that she likes you.

None of this led to you telling her that you like her and asking her out.

You played it safe, too fearful of the prospect of getting rejected by her if you were to tell her that you like her.

Well, now she is hooking you up with her friend.

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This wasn’t what you wanted.

It’s no surprise though.

The longer you wait to tell a girl about how you feel about her, the greater the chances that something like this happens.

This being said, it isn’t the worst thing that could have happened.

Seeing her with a new boyfriend is the worst thing that could have happened.

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As of now, as far as you know, she doesn’t have a boyfriend.


A girl doesn’t stay single for long, especially the more attractive she is.

A guy is scooping her up in time, and this leaves you out to pasture, completely out of time and luck.

It’s urgent you tell her that you like her and ask her out.

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At worst, your pride takes a hit if she says no.

Don’t worry, you will live.

At best, you get a girlfriend.

I don’t know about you, but I like those odds.

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