Category Archives: Friends To Lovers

Did I Make A Mistake Confessing My Feelings To My Female Friend?

Did I Make A Mistake Confessing My Feelings To My Female Friend?You didn’t get the response you were hoping for after you confessed your feelings for your female friend.

She didn’t feel likewise and told you that she only sees you as a friend.

This wasn’t what you wanted to hear.

It has you now thinking whether you made a mistake in confessing your feelings to your female friend.

You didn’t.

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Can Men And Women Be Close Friends Despite Their Gender Differences?

Can Men And Women Be Close Friends Despite Their Gender Differences?Men and women can be close friends with certain nonnegotiable caveats.

For a close friendship to happen, neither one must be attracted to the other.

Our gender differences play a weighty role in all of this.

As human beings, our biological impetus is to procreate, irrespective of how technologically advanced and progressive our society becomes.

When two people who are biologically designed to procreate are intent on building a platonic friendship, that biological instinct is an impeding factor.

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My Best Friend In Life Is Also Someone I Am In Love With

My Best Friend In Life Is Also Someone I Am In Love WithWhen you realize that you are in love with your best friend, it is jarring.

A riot of thoughts assail your mind about what this means.

You worry about whether this is going to hurt your friendship with him.

Having known him for several years, you are terrified of jeopardizing it in any way.

Yet, you can’t help the fact that you are in love with him.

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Is It Weird To Have Romantic Feelings For A Woman That’s Been Like A Sister To Me?

Is It Weird To Have Romantic Feelings For A Woman That's Been Like A Sister To Me?There was never an intent on your part to develop romantic feelings for her, but it has happened.

This isn’t weird.

When a man and woman have such a close relationship, that it is akin to that of siblings, it means that the two will naturally care for each other deeply.

For a good while, you cared about her like you would a sister, and this made sense.

Nonetheless, unbeknownst to you, the closer you got to her as a friend, there was an increased potential that you would develop romantic feelings for her.

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Would You Date Someone Who Cares About You But Is Emotionally Unavailable?

Would You Date Someone Who Cares About You But Is Emotionally Unavailable?To date someone who cares about you but is emotionally unavailable is to put yourself at emotional risk.

Being that this is someone that cares about you, you mislead yourself into believing it is worth it to date her.

When you do this, you conveniently put the fact that she is emotionally unavailable to the back of your mind.

This is where you are demonstrating that you want to focus on the positive elements of your relationship with her.

It makes you feel good to believe that she cares about you, and that in time, she is going to care about you all that much more and consequently become emotionally available to you.

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