At What Age Should I Give Up On Dating And Let Go Of The Idea Of Finding A Partner?

At What Age Should I Give Up On Dating And Let Go Of The Idea Of Finding A Partner?After a history of bad luck in dating, it’s natural to become despondent.

This is where you think about giving up on dating altogether.

Having struggled in dating so much, you want to throw in the towel.

As all of this has been happening, you have been aging as the years have gone by.

At your current age, many of your peers have already had robust dating lives.

Several of them are in long-term relationships, getting married, and starting families of their own.

All of this makes you all the more aware that you haven’t been successful in dating.

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You have struggled, and there doesn’t appear to be any hope in sight.

The idea of finding a partner sounds like a pipe dream and you are wondering whether you should let this go once and for all.

You shouldn’t.

There is no age to give up on dating.

As long as you are breathing and functioning, there is always hope.

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Look back on your dating life.

Have you generally sought after women who were all similar in appearance, personality, background, and lifestyle.

Consider switching it up.

Approach a different caliber of woman.

You have been playing it too safe by seeking out women that are familiar to you in how they appear, act, think, and live.

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While making this change causes a degree of discomfort at first, don’t let that keep you from doing it.

Get out of your comfort zone.

Meet women who have a different physical appearance, personality, background, and lifestyle from what you are used to.

Instead of letting yourself get lost in the discomfort that accompanies this approach, look at it as an adventure.

What do you have to lose?

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I am not asking you to put on army gear and go to war here.

All I am asking you to do is make an adjustment to what you are used to dating.

Break out of your comfort zone moving forward.

While you are at this, have a positive attitude.

Don’t let your past failures in dating become the burden you carry around with you as you approach these women.

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This is a negative burden that is totally palpable.

Girls are adept at picking up on negative energy.

If you approach her with a negative attitude, she clamps up, intent on protecting herself.

Once a woman clamps up, she is uneasy around you and is reluctant to open up.

This is disadvantageous to you.

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It makes it harder for you to warm her up as you talk to her.

She has her guard up to protect her from any adverse effects from the negativity she has perceived emanating from you.

Exuding positive energy is a must.

As you learn about her, show enthusiasm in what she has to say.

With this enthusiasm, you motivate her to want to learn more about you too.

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Even though she is different from what you are used to dating, it is likely that somewhere in this conversation, you find common ground.

From here, a romantic connection isn’t out of the question.

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