Are Stretch Marks And Loose Skin On A Woman, A Deal Breaker For Guys?

Are Stretch Marks And Loose Skin On A Woman, A Deal Breaker For Guys?Stretch marks and loose skin is not a deal breaker for guys.

The guys who are looking for long-term relationships aren’t as stringent on dating a woman with a perfect body.

What she lacks in physical appearance, she makes up for in personality and conduct.

A man that is looking for a long-term partner knows that he can’t get too caught up on superficial requirements.

He wants a woman that is loyal, kind and trustworthy to be his second.

In knowing that he will have some hard days at work, he wants to come home to a woman who is attentive to his needs and appreciative of his efforts.

This is a personality trait that he wants in a woman that he chooses to be his girlfriend or life partner.

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The fact that she has stretch marks and loose skin isn’t all that important, as long as she is supportive of him, nonjudgmental, and warm.

The guys who see stretch marks and loose skin on a woman as a deal breaker are the ones that are primarily concerned with the superficial aspects of a woman.

This means that he isn’t a good candidate for a long-term relationship.

All he really cares about is the aesthetic satisfaction he gets from having a woman that looks like a doll.

He makes for a poor boyfriend, given that whatever perfect doll of a woman he chooses to date is bound to be cast aside the moment she develops stretch marks and loose skin of her own.

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A woman, no matter how perfect, is a human being.

With age, her perfect skin loosens and she develops stretch marks.

This is further illustrated when she has kids.

The guys who see stretch marks and loose skin as a deal breaker are in for a shock when their perfect woman gets older and develops stretch marks and loose skin.

Unfortunately, this is a guy that is likely to become verbally abusive towards his woman for her newly formed stretch marks and loose skin.

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With this mindset, there is a high probability he cheats on her.

Therefore, if what you want is a long-term boyfriend, you are better off not having to deal with superficial guys like this.

They don’t make for good partners anyway.

Look to guys who aren’t so superficial.

In general, it’s true that guys are more superficial than woman are, in terms of how much importance they place on a woman’s physical looks.

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That being said, as long as you keep yourself in decent physical shape, the majority of guys are fine with imperfections.

In lieu of worrying about your stretch marks and loose skin, concentrate on showcasing your good qualities.

These are the qualities that your friends, family members, and coworkers constantly give you compliments on.

Do they tell you that you are funny all the time?


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Whenever you are around guys who have romantic potential, show off your humor.

Don’t get carried away with it.

Do it enough without coming off as though you are trying too hard.

Do you get compliments about your intelligence?

Highlight your intelligence whenever you are around men of romantic potential.

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Showcasing your best qualities attracts the right caliber of men to you.

As long as you exhibit these qualities, and you are in decent physical shape, there are plenty of men who will be attracted to you.

He sticks around, irrespective of your stretch marks and loose skin.

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