Have You Ever Drunk Messaged An Ex Or Someone That You Are Attracted To?

Have You Ever Drunk Messaged An Ex Or Someone That You Are Attracted To?Drunk messaging is sending a text while intoxicated.

This is commonplace.

How many times have you received a text message from a buddy while he was drunk, texting gibberish?

It happens all the time.

Although you thought yourself beyond it, you are only human.

It is only a matter of time before you do it yourself.

As long as you consume alcohol fairly frequently, it is not a question of if you drunk message someone, it is a question of when.

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When you drunk message an ex, the message you send is a testament to what you have been longing to say for a while, but never had the courage to.

You are expressing yourself in a manner you couldn’t while sober.

There are things that you had to say about the relationship that you never did.

There were feelings that you had that you never got to express.

Alcohol lowers inhibitions by releasing dopamine, a neurotransmitter in the brain that makes people feel good.

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Once too much alcohol is consumed, so much dopamine is released that the brain is overwhelmed and this is where inhibitions are tossed aside.

You have had a lot on your mind as far as this ex is concerned.

You have had a lot to say.

While sober, you kept those thoughts under lock and key.

There are reasons for this.

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You struggle with how to put your emotions about your ex into words.

You worry about how vulnerable expressing said emotions makes you seem.

You are afraid that she hasn’t experienced the same emotions as you and is incapable of empathizing with you.

There are a multitude of reasons why you haven’t told your ex how you feel in reference to the relationship you had with her.

With enough alcohol in your system, those inhibitions deteriorate.

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That is why you are far more prone to drunk message your ex while inebriated.

You aren’t so concerned about expressing these thoughts and emotions when your inhibitions are down.

You don’t care how the words comes out.

All that matters is that you get them out.

The same applies for someone that you are attracted to.

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Whenever you see her out and about, you never have the courage to tell her that you are attracted to her and want to take her out on a date.

Every time you make yourself believe that you are going to do it, you stop yourself and make excuses.

These are excuses that you conveniently make yourself believe are true.

You tell yourself that she isn’t in a good mood and it is better to wait to tell her on a day where she is in a better mood.

On a different occasion, you tell yourself that she must have a boyfriend, given that you saw her talking to some guy recently.

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Furthermore, you draw a conclusion that she isn’t attracted to you on account of the fact that you are usually the one who initiates conversations with her.

Whatever it took to get you to further delay asking her out was regularly implemented.

Until that fateful day where you drink a bit too much alcohol and drunk message her.

Finally, you have the liquid courage to send her a flirtatious message, or one strongly insinuating that you are attracted to her.

Usually, when a person drunk messages an ex or someone they are attracted to, it’s due to a buildup of emotions that they had been wanting to express and felt powerless to while sober.

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An excessive amount of alcohol in your system releases so much dopamine that you finally get the liquid courage to send those drunk messages expressing yourself to your ex, or expressing romantic interest to someone you are attracted to.

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