What Would Be The Ideal Way To Approach A Girl In The Dating Scene?

What Would Be The Ideal Way To Approach A Girl In The Dating Scene?A girl in the dating scene already has her guard up.

She has been approached by one too many guys who didn’t know the ideal way to do it, turning her off in the process.

From cheesy pick up lines to overly aggressive and inappropriate touching, she has been through it all.

With such negative encounters, she lifts her guard up when she is in the dating scene.

To keep this guard up and the men away, she uses the cover of numbers.

She is out with loads of her girlfriends and stays inside that protective bubble.

Her friends shield her from unwanted attention by their sheer presence around her.

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Those of her friends that are instinctively protective make sure that if a guy so happens to get through their protective shield, they arrive to save her by grabbing her by the arm and leading her away to go dance with them on the dance floor.

While on the dance floor, the girls form yet another protective circle.

They dance with each other, making it difficult for any guy to step in and make a move to dance with her.

When she and her friends are leaving the nightclub venue to go to another, her guard remains up.

She isn’t making eye contact with the guys that are desperate for her to look in their direction.

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She keeps her eyes focused on her friends, and her smartphone.

Once she arrives at the new nightclub venue and is waiting in line with her group of friends to be let in, she is keeping her head buried in her smartphone, only looking up to acknowledge her friends and make conversation from time to time.

Once she gets into the nightclub venue with her friends, they quickly find a spot and the protective bubble reforms.

Should she have to go to the bathroom, several of her friends go with her.

This is how she continues to use the safety and protection of numbers.

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All of this is a conscious effort to protect and shield herself from guys.

Unfortunately, due to her negative past encounters with men who have approached her, she has put all men in the category of “creep.”

The dating scene is a war zone.

Girls have gotten much better at keeping themselves shielded from any guy that would want to make a move on them.

Unless of course, they are at the bar of the nightclub.

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This is where there aren’t so many of them clustered around each other.

Indeed, oftentimes, a girl like this goes to the bar alone to get her drink and those of a few of her friends.

This is where you have an opportunity to approach her while her throng of friends aren’t around her.

Although she does continue to have her guard up, you don’t have to contend with a bunch of her friends when you approach her.

You get to approach her one on one.

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The ideal way to do the approach correctly is to use humor to break the ice.

Women love to laugh.

If you use humor and make her laugh, you put her in a better mood that gets her to drop her guard to an extent, without her realizing it.

Approaching her with an opening phrase such as, “I’ll have a vodka on the rocks thank you very much,” or, “How many times do you I have to tell you to stop looking so damn good.”

This breaks the ice, making her smile or laugh.

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Instead of looking at you as the enemy, she is intrigued, and is open to having a conversation with you.

Whether you are at a nightclub, party, lounge, etc., break the ice on your approach by using humor.

You get better results when you primarily approach women when they are alone or have separated from their friends, as opposed to being in a crowd.

This keeps her from being negatively influenced by her friends, which makes opening up a conversation with her that much easier.

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