What Are The Signs A Guy Is Hiding His Feelings For You?

What Are The Signs A Guy Is Hiding His Feelings For You?In a familiar crowd, he treats you differently than he does everyone else.

He ignores you, choosing instead to give his attention to everyone else in the familiar crowd.

This is a sign that he is hiding his feelings for you.

He doesn’t want to give you his attention.

Even though you have done nothing that you know of to offend him, he chooses to ignore you.

He treats the people in the familiar crowd with kindness and attention, and does everything he can to avoid making eye contact with you or verbally address you.

This is a guy with insecurities and a grudge.

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He doesn’t think he measures up to you.

By ignoring you, he protects himself from having to acknowledge you and getting lost in his thoughts.

Does she like me?

Does she think I am weird?

Does she think I am ugly?

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These are but a few of the thoughts he doesn’t want to have to entertain if he were to acknowledge you and open a conversation with you.

For him, it is safer to ignore you.

Besides, a while ago, he tried to gauge whether you were attracted to him.

In this vain, he sent out what he thought were a few signals of romantic interest at you.

Unfortunately, you didn’t respond in kind.

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This made him unhappy, and led to his decision to ignore you in familiar crowds, and give everyone else in said crowds his attention, besides you.

Not only does this protect him from the unhappiness that he felt when you didn’t reciprocate his signals of interest, it’s a form of revenge.

He is counting on you picking up on what he has been doing in ignoring you, and getting upset by it.

This brings you down several pegs, as far as your pride is concerned, leaving you with similar feelings that he went through when he realized that you weren’t reciprocating his signals of romantic interest.

The feeling of sadness, ugliness, and uselessness.

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Sadly, his feelings for you are now blended with negativity.

Furthermore, a guy that is hiding his feelings for you habitually refuses to compliment you when everyone else does.

Let’s create a new scenario.

This is a guy that you work with.

Every so often, everyone at work compliments you on an outfit you wear, but he never does.

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He is the sole person at the office who doesn’t give you this compliment, even though he is within earshot.

Human beings have a tendency to mimic each other.

In a healthy work environment, when one person says something nice about a coworker, other coworkers who are idle and within earshot echo the compliment.

A coworker that never echoes a compliment is doing everything he can to keep himself from sending a signal that he likes you.

This is a guy that is hiding his feelings for you.

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He is worried that you are either in a relationship already, or would never be attracted to a guy like him.

As a result, he chooses to protect his ego by not echoing a compliment that every other idle coworker within earshot is giving you.

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