Should I Be Worried About My BF’s Female Friend That He Occasionally Texts?

Should I Be Worried About My BF's Female Friend That He Occasionally Texts?He has had a platonic relationship with this female friend before he ever started dating you.

That makes your BF believe that he is doing nothing wrong in occasionally texting her or replying to her text messages.

Right now, he doesn’t see this how you do.

He doesn’t recognize that there is an underlying worry on your part that this female friend could become a wedge between you and him.

I see why you are worried about the prospect of him and this female friend becoming an issue in the future, but there are a few things to consider.

Has he had a romantic relationship with this female friend in the past?

Have they ever hooked up with each other?

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Is she obviously fawning over your BF every time they text each other or talk to each other face to face?

If none of this applies to his relationship with her, you are in a much better position.

There are circumstances where men and woman can be platonic friends and the possibility of a sexual relationship is almost nil.

This is when the two have no physical attraction for each other.

A history where neither one of them have ever had a romantic relationship, or hooked up, further supports a likelihood that they aren’t physically attracted to each other.

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This works in your favor.

It doesn’t completely eliminate the prospect that they end up hooking up at some point, but it drastically reduces it.

This being said, I know that the worry you feel is palpable.

You don’t want to be heartbroken by a BF who cheats on you with a female friend.

Telling your boyfriend to stop being her friend isn’t the best approach.

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It makes him resent what you are asking for, and he will only find ways to keep interacting with her behind your back.

This is much worse, as it creates an undercurrent of deceit in the relationship.

A BF that believes that he has been forced to maintain a secret platonic relationship with a female friend is susceptible to acting on his resentment towards his girlfriend.

Acting on it in a manner that you most dread.

Through infidelity.

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We are emotional beings, and once our emotions get the better of us, we act without thinking.

Making him feel resentment towards you isn’t worth the risk.

Use a different strategy.

Ask him to introduce you to her.

There is nothing wrong with making this request.

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All exclusive partners know each other’s friends.

Even if he has an initial discomfort with this, it does create a dilemma.

He knows that denying this request only makes it look as though he has something to hide.

After all, you have introduced him to all of your friends.

It’s only fair that he does the same with his.

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Introducing you to her is as easy as bringing you along to an event that she is going to be present at, or including you in the phone call or text message conversation he is having with her.

Be extra polite as you greet her and indulge in a little banter.

It doesn’t have to be a long exchange.

A few polite phrases would suffice.

Once his female friend has put a face or voice to you, it personalizes you to her.

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Your kindness and politeness towards her is an added benefit.

She realizes how sweet of a woman you are.

This makes it harder for her to ever think about getting sexually involved with your BF behind your back.

She at least gets to think twice about it, should that moment ever arrive.

Plus, having a pseudo relationship with this female friend allows you to keep a watchful eye on her.

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