My Girlfriend Tested Me With A Fake Profile From A Fake Social Media Account

My Girlfriend Tested Me With A Fake Profile From A Fake Social Media AccountOnce you learned that your girlfriend had tested you with a fake profile, you were upset.

It spoke to her cynical nature, so that wasn’t surprising.

However, it didn’t change the fact that you were unhappy that she played this trick on you.

Using a fake social media account to pretend that she was someone else was a form of betrayal to you.

Funny enough, she was the one who was making you out to be the one who had betrayed her.

Granted, it wasn’t a good look when you went along with flirting with the girl who so happened to be your girlfriend pretending to be someone else online.

It’s not like you meant anything by it.

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You had no intention of going any further than lighthearted flirting with the girl.

Besides, it’s not like you were the one who initiated contact with the girl who so happened to be your girlfriend.

She was the one that initiated contact, and flirting.

Now, your real girlfriend is livid with you, telling you that you aren’t to be trusted.

You are at your wit’s end.

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On the one hand, you are just as livid that your girlfriend chose to test you in this way.

But, on the other hand, you did fail her test.

You flirted with this girl not knowing that she was your girlfriend in disguise.

All of the mental gymnastics aside, none of this changes the fact that you failed her test.

I want you to think about that carefully.

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You failed her test.

Unfortunately, it does look like your relationship with your girlfriend is tenuous.

She doesn’t trust you.

That is why she chose to test you by creating a fake social media account and using the profile of a beautiful girl to see whether you would respond, and engage.

You did.

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This gave her confirmation that her doubts about you were warranted.

Although you don’t believe that you were going to go any further than flirting with the girl behind the fake profile, this isn’t assured.

Imagine a different scenario where this beautiful girl that sent you a message on social media so happened to be real.

She wasn’t your girlfriend in disguise.

She was a real girl.

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She begins to flirt with you over the course of a few days and weeks, culminating with her making a request to meet with you in person.

Do you honestly believe that you would have turned her down?

Okay, let’s give you the benefit of the doubt.

Let’s say you turn down her first offer to meet in person.

Do you honestly think that you would have turned down the next offer, or the one after that?

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What are the chances that you eventually break, and give in to her requests?

All it takes is the right moment.

For instance, she asks to meet in person after you have just had a fight with your girlfriend.

You are emotionally compromised and weak.

You acquiesce, and meet her.

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Next thing you know, there is kissing, and infidelity ensues.

Let me explain your reality right now.

Your relationship with your girlfriend is on shaky ground.

She knew this and chose to test you.

You failed the test.

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Meaning, you either don’t take her all that seriously, or you have taken her for granted.

Your girlfriend isn’t stupid.

Now that you have failed her test, she is inclined to systematically shut herself off from you emotionally.

This doesn’t happen immediately.

But, over time, her trust for you completely erodes.

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Once this happens, she is breaking up with you.

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