How Often Do You Text Someone After You’ve Been On 3 Dates With Them?

How Often Do You Text Someone After You've Been On 3 Dates With Them?3 dates in is fairly early in courtship.

Although you have likely become more emotionally attached to this guy, don’t be taken over by said emotions.

Let him continue to lead.

This means that he is the one that does the lion’s share of the texting.

He is the one that initiates most conversations.

You are 3 dates in and think that you know him quite well, but you don’t.

This is a time where you easily mistake him for someone that he is yet to prove that he is.

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Thereby, at 3 dates, it’s essential that he keeps showing you who he is as a person and whether he is for real.

At this stage in courtship, receiving a text message from him every day isn’t uncommon.

Focus primarily on replying to his text messages and engaging in good conversation.

Let him be the one to lead the conversations.

3 dates in is often where so many girls commit a massive blunder.

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By this stage, they have gotten to know the guy better, possibly slept with him, and they become overly excited when he texts them.

Their responses are far too zealous.

Instead of matching the volume of text he is sending her, she replies with paragraphs of text.

If he isn’t sending her paragraphs of text yet, she mustn’t do this with him.

But, numerous girls do.

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They are 3 dates in with the guy, think they already know him, and get too excited.

All of a sudden, instead of remaining levelheaded and following his lead, they get carried away and reply to his text messages with paragraphs of text.

On top of this, the excitement makes the conversations meander all over the place.

In lieu of sticking with the topic he has brought up, you are meandering from one topic to the next and back, as your emotions overwhelm you.

This is also around the time where you are text messaging him about when next you get to see him.

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Bear in mind that he is the one who leads.

As long as the dates have been consistent, don’t interject yourself into his lead by asking about when next you are seeing him or what he is planning to do for the next date.

This is how your excitement for this guy makes you get ahead of him.

Once you do this with a guy that has been consistently texting you and taking you out on dates, you disorient him.

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You are forcing his hand, instead of letting the courtship process flow naturally.

A guy doesn’t tolerate this behavior for long.

Especially a guy who knows that he is already desirable to women and won’t have any trouble finding a new person to court.

Don’t ruin it.

At 3 dates in, it’s too early to be initiating texts whenever you want to throughout the day.

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As a rule of thumb, initiate a text for every 3 texts he initiates.

This lets him see that you are actively engaged in the courtship process, but not taking it over.

Don’t worry.

As you go on subsequent dates, there is a natural flow to how often you initiate texts, and it does increase.

Nonetheless, the initiating of text messages must only equalize at fifty-fifty once he has asked you to be his girlfriend.

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