Do Guys Like Girls Who Went To Selective Schools And Have A Good Education?

Do Guys Like Girls Who Went To Selective Schools And Have A Good Education?Guys like girls that are smart, without a doubt.

A girl that went to a selective school is the epitome of intelligence.

Her good education is a sign that she has ambition.

This is all fine.

This being said, a girl’s education isn’t what men prioritize when they are looking for a partner.

It’s a bonus, but it isn’t a priority.

A guy is concerned about a woman’s beauty, fitness, femininity and fertility first and foremost.

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Being that guys are the ones who have the burden of performance in a relationship, he isn’t as concerned about how educated a woman is.

Men and women have different expectations for what they look for in a partner.

A woman looks for a man that provides and a man looks for beauty.

As a woman that went to selective schools and has a great education, keep this in mind.

It is easy to get lost in a mindset that a guy wants to date a girl that went to selective schools and has a good education.

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After all, you are surrounded by people who are as smart and ambitious as you are.

When this is the world you live in, your perception gets skewed.

You think that guys would like to be with a girl that went to selective schools and has a good education.

Unfortunately, this is a relatively small social bubble that you live in.

Outside of this bubble, the vast share of guys aren’t as concerned about your good education.

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It’s a nice bonus, but it isn’t what he cares about primarily.

He cares about how physically beautiful and fit you are.

He cares about how feminine you are and your ability to bear healthy children.

Again, men and women prioritize different qualities in what they are looking for in a partner.

None of this means that you shouldn’t be proud about attending selective schools and having a good education.

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It’s just that you shouldn’t base all of your hopes on finding a partner on this elite educational history.

The guys that are in your small social bubble are sure to praise you for having such a stellar education.

But these guys are in the same small social bubble that you are in.

There are only so many of these guys to go around.

Which means, you are having to look outside of this small social bubble to find a partner.

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This is where reality sets in.

Men at large aren’t as impressed by your stellar education as the men in your social bubble of highly educated individuals.

These men are primarily concerned with your physical beauty, fitness, femininity, and fertility.

Should you find yourself in a position where you have to go outside of your exclusive social circle to find a mate, keep this in mind.

Using your superior education as a selling point isn’t convincing these men at large that you are a good candidate for a long-term relationship.

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It’s impressive, but he is primarily concerned with your physical beauty, fitness, femininity, and fertility.

Should he detect that all you have to offer is your elite educational background, he won’t take you all that seriously.

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