Would A Woman Date A Man Who Doesn’t Want To Sleep With Her?

Would A Woman Date A Man Who Doesn't Want To Sleep With Her?A woman is going to be suspicious about why you don’t want to sleep with her.

Her first thought is that you don’t find her physically attractive.

She doesn’t like this, as it makes her feel undesirable.

This is a huge hurdle for her to get over, even if she isn’t all that into sex either.

She wonders why she isn’t physically attractive enough to get you to want to sleep with her.

You have to be extremely clear as to why you don’t want to sleep with her.

Are you asexual, where you have no sexual attraction for anyone?

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Are you struggling with past trauma that has led to you feeling completely closed off to the idea of sleeping with anyone?

Be fully aware of why you don’t want to sleep with anyone, and explain this with clarity and unambiguity as you talk to her about it.

She has to be made fully aware that your disinclination to sleep with her has nothing to do with her level of physical attractiveness, or anything else to do with her.

It has everything to do with him.

If this has to do with asexuality, you are better off finding a woman that is asexual.

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An asexual woman has no sexual attraction nor desire to have sex with anyone.

She is like you.

A woman like this would be the easiest to connect with.

The harsh truth is that there aren’t all that many asexual women in existence.

They do exist, but they aren’t as prevalent as women who aren’t asexual.

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If you have trouble finding an asexual woman, look to older women.

Older women, especially those who have already had biological children, don’t put as much importance on sex as they did in their younger years.

A woman goes through menopause at age 51 on average.

Menopause is when she is no longer having her menstrual cycle.

Once she has gone for 12 months without a menstrual period, she is no longer biologically capable of having children.

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At this stage, her estrogen levels drastically decline, making it harder for her to get aroused and reducing her desire to have sex with anyone.

Other hormones such as her testosterone levels also decline.

She has hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness.

All of this makes her that much less likely to have any sex drive whatsoever.

If you are open to dating a woman at this stage in her life, it makes it easier for you to find a woman that doesn’t care about not having sex with you.

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In the event that your lack of desire to sleep with a woman has nothing to do with asexuality, but more to do with internalized trauma, you have to work on the trauma first and foremost.

If you don’t work on the trauma, it is only a matter of time before your relationship with the woman suffers.

You get into fights with her for reasons she is confused about.

She isn’t in your head, and doesn’t know how you think or respond to stimuli.

Basically, she doesn’t know what triggers you.

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She will set you off without intending to, and this does lead to a never-ending cycle of failed relationships.

To avoid this, work on your personal trauma first.

Talk to a therapist.

Read self-help books.

Become a member of a group that has come together to support each other, having been through the same trauma.

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All of this facilitates in overcoming the trauma, getting you into a better headspace.

Once this occurs, you know whether you are now open to sleeping with a woman, or not.

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