Why Would A Woman Remove A Picture Of Her Boyfriend From Her Work Desk?

Why Would A Woman Remove A Picture Of Her Boyfriend From Her Work Desk?In having a picture of her boyfriend on her work desk, she was demonstrating that she cared about him.

She was proud of her relationship with him, and wanted the world to know.

That means that she wanted coworkers to see the picture of her boyfriend on her work desk.

This let everyone know that she was taken and in love.

Now that she has removed the picture of her boyfriend from her work desk, she is conveying unhappiness towards him.

This doesn’t mean that they are officially broken up.

If it has only been a few days since you noticed that she has removed his picture from her work desk, it’s not wise to assume that she has officially broken up with him.

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Being that she is emotionally attached to her boyfriend, she is upset with him at the moment.

They had a fight over an issue.

An issue that has been plaguing the relationship.

At this time, it is safer to assume that she is upset with him.

When it has only been a few days since she removed his picture from her work desk, it’s best not to get your hopes up that she has broken up with this boyfriend.

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Normally, when a woman is merely reacting to sad emotions that were instigated by her boyfriend, she is temporarily upset with him.

While dealing with this, it isn’t unusual for her to remove the picture of her boyfriend from her work desk.

She is upset with him after all.

She doesn’t want to keep being reminded about how upset she is with him in seeing his face as she works on her computer at work.

That is too hurtful.

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As a result, she removes his picture.

However, the picture is still there.

She hasn’t completely taken it away from the office and dumped it in the trash outside.

Rather, she puts it inside a drawer at her desk.

This way, she doesn’t have to keep seeing his face as she is working at her desk for hours, but hasn’t completely given up on the guy.

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She is merely upset at this point in time.

Deep down, she is hoping that he works on fixing whatever the issue is.

Although she won’t admit it to herself.

Deep down, she wants the issue to be resolved, sooner rather than later.

But at this time, she is angry at him and put his picture away in a drawer in her cubicle or office.

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Keeping all of this in mind, don’t get too excited about seeing that she has removed a picture of her boyfriend from her desk.

If it has only been a few days, assume that she is upset with him at the moment, and has placed the picture in a drawer somewhere at her work desk, so that she doesn’t have to look at his face all day as she works.

The truth is, in the next few weeks, it isn’t out of the question that his picture shows up on her work desk again.

This is a sign that he has resolved the issue that led to her unhappiness in the first place.

She is happy again and puts his picture back up on her work desk.

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This being said, if his picture doesn’t come back up on her work desk after about a month.

There is cause for celebration.

They are broken up.

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