What Purpose Is There In Leading Me On When She Already Has A Boyfriend?

What Purpose Is There In Leading Me On When She Already Has A Boyfriend?In leading you on, she was encouraging you to keep talking to her, all the while knowing that it would never go anywhere.

You were fulfilling what was missing from her relationship with her boyfriend at the time.

She was getting what she wanted out of you.

Whether it was attention, compliments, laughter, empathy, adulation, sensitivity, etc.

You were providing her with what she wasn’t getting from her boyfriend.

Getting this fulfilled was her purpose in leading you on.

Sadly, what you have gone through isn’t uncommon.

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People in relationships aren’t always good actors.

For some, the temporary usage of someone outside of the relationship is a staple in times of aggrievance in their relationship with a partner.

The onus is on you to protect yourself from getting used and led on by someone who has no intention of leaving her boyfriend.

When you let yourself get too caught up on how attractive a girl is, you walk right into a trap.

Knowing a woman’s relationship status is critical.

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If she tells you that she is in a relationship, that is your cue to exit stage left.

No, do not make yourself believe that you can seduce her into liking you and leaving her boyfriend.

This is the Achilles heel of human nature.

Wanting the forbidden fruit.

It is so alluring, and yet so futile.

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When you are made aware that she has a boyfriend, it doesn’t matter what she tells you moving forward.

It is far too risky to keep on talking to her with an intent to become a romantic option for her.

In the bulk of these cases, you are the one who ends up at the short end of the stick.

You are the one who develops feelings for her that she isn’t capable of reciprocating.

You are the one who gets upset over the feeling that she has led you on.

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Did she though?

A choice was made to pursue her irrespective of her relationship status.

This was a risk you chose.

Now that it didn’t work out, you are naturally looking for someone to blame.


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The truth is, this is your fault.

You chose to either ignore the fact that she has a boyfriend, or refused to find out whether she had one.

In this day and age with modern technology, it isn’t hard to find out whether someone is already in a relationship.

With the internet and social media, you have a lot to work with.

Meaning, you should never take her word for it.

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When you do your due diligence in asking her about her relationship status, and she tells you, the onus is on you to corroborate what she has told you.

There are girls who lie about their relationship status when they intend to use a guy to temporarily fulfill what is missing in their relationship.

They say they are single.

This is why you mustn’t take any girl’s verbal word for it.

Verify that she is indeed single through checking her online profiles or inquiring about her relationship status from mutual friends or acquaintances.

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It’s time you take responsibility for what has happened with this girl.

She was attractive, and that was enough for you to choose to ignore the fact that she is in a relationship.

Either this, or you chose not to look into whether she was in a relationship.

You were led on, but this could have been avoided if you had done your due diligence.

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