What Do Guys Think Of Girls Who Don’t Have A Lot Of Friends?

What Do Guys Think Of Girls Who Don't Have A Lot Of Friends?A guy that finds you attractive enough won’t care about how many friends you have.

He primarily cares about your physical appearance.

The fact that you don’t have a lot of friends is not anything that he thinks about for any length of time.

Obviously, he is hoping that you are easy to talk to.

As long as you have decent conversational skills, he is satisfied.

Guys and girls look for different qualities in a potential partner.

For a guy, his primary concern is that the girl is attractive, feminine, and easy to talk to.

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He doesn’t care all that much about how many friends she has.

Whereas, a girl looks for different qualities in a guy, primarily that of his ability to provide and protect.

His social prowess and attractiveness are significant factors too.

But, attractiveness isn’t as high on her totem pole as it is for guys.

For a guy, dating an attractive girl is aesthetically pleasing and elevates his social status.

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Guys are judged by how successful they are in society.

How high he climbs the corporate ladder, his financial solvency, and popularity, are all significant factors that add to his value and respect in society.

He knows that having an attractive girl as a girlfriend factors into how much he is valued and respected in society.

When you don’t have a lot of friends, but you are attractive, you are providing value to him that bears far more weight than how many friends you have or don’t have.

Nevertheless, there is a caveat.

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The risk of a girlfriend that becomes clingy.

There are girls who don’t have a lot of friends who end up completely depending on their boyfriend for company and attention.

This is alarming.

When this happens, it is only a matter of time before the boyfriend becomes fed up with having to give his girlfriend all his attention all the time.

She is constantly asking him about when he is coming to see her and gets extremely unhappy when he has to leave to do an activity with his friends.

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When you are like this, you risk becoming a clingy girlfriend who gets on your boyfriend’s last nerve.

Not having a lot of friends doesn’t mean that you have to go down a path that leads to clinginess.

Get hobbies and interests of your own.

These keep you busy and distracted, so that you never become overbearing to your boyfriend.

A boyfriend with a clingy girlfriend is never happy.

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He doesn’t want to have to be constantly dealing with a girlfriend who suspects he is cheating the moment he isn’t prompt in replying to her text message or voicemail.

Being that she doesn’t have a lot of friends, nor hobbies, she is spending far too much time sitting around waiting for him to reply to her text message or give her a call her back.

Meanwhile, he is out with a few of his friends, or participating in his own hobbies.

Despite having a girlfriend, he still wants to have a life.

He doesn’t want to be a prisoner to his girlfriend.

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This is smothering.

As long as she continues to smother him, he is going to dump her in the foreseeable future.

Don’t be this girl.

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