Should I Ask The Guy I Have Been Getting To Know If He Is Interested?

Should I Ask The Guy I Have Been Getting To Know If He Is Interested?Being that you are wondering whether you should ask him if he is interested, it has been a while.

You have been getting to know each other over a sustained period of time now.

The fact that you are at a crossroads, wondering whether you should ask him if he is interested, is a sign that you have heard enough to make an assessment.

You like what you have heard.

The conversations you have had with him have been enjoyable, and so has been the occasions where you have spent time together in person.

He gets along with your friends and you get along with his.

There have been no fights or awkward disagreements.

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Any time you are socializing with him, you are at such ease, it’s almost effortless.

With this history, you know that you have seen and heard enough to realize that he is someone you have a romantic interest in.

Which leads you to the question.

Should you ask him if he is interested?

You should.

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It’s best to ask now before you go any further with him.

If you don’t ask, you run a risk of falling for him over the coming weeks and months.

Considering that you already know that he is someone with qualities that you look for in a relationship partner, you are that much more susceptible to falling for him in the coming weeks and months.

Letting this happen without finding out whether he is interested in you beforehand, puts you at a grave disadvantage.

It makes you lie to yourself that it is only a matter of time before he tells you that he is interested, when in truth, this isn’t assured.

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It doesn’t take a guy many weeks and months to know whether he is interested in a girl.

A guy that goes for many weeks and months without telling you that he is interested in you, likely isn’t.

Men know much sooner and make an attempt to claim you.

This is the territorial nature of men.

Once they know that they are with a woman they are interested in, they quickly move to claim her by asking her out, so as to keep other men away.

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Going for many weeks or months without telling you that he is interested in you makes him susceptible to taking advantage of you.

Yes, he will know that you have become emotionally invested in him, as you won’t be able to help yourself.

This is where you have been making yourself constantly available to him, doing him favors, and sacrificing your wants for his.

If he is a bad actor, he takes advantage of this and the power dynamics in your relationship with him become lopsided in his favor.

Never let it get this far.

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Tell him that you are interested in him now.

He has had enough time to ascertain whether he feels likewise.

By doing this, you save yourself from falling for him that much harder over many weeks and months, while unaware about how he feels about you.

Find out sooner rather than later.

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