Is It Normal That I Started Doubting Myself And Lost Confidence After Rejection?

Is It Normal That I Started Doubting Myself And Lost Confidence After Rejection?It is normal to start doubting yourself and lose confidence after rejection.

You are human after all.

We are emotional creatures and we crave acceptance.

When we are rejected, it is as though whoever rejected us has told us that we are not good enough.

As human beings, we internalize this notion and it hurts.

This being said, toughen up.

As a man, you are expected to make the first move on a woman you are attracted to.

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The bulk of women aren’t going to make the first move on you, no matter how much you want them to.

At most, a woman who finds you attractive sends signals of attraction in your direction, but she isn’t making the first move in asking for your phone number or asking you out on a date.

This is the cold hard truth.

This will never change, no matter how progressive modern society becomes.

A woman expects the man to make the first move and take on the risk of pursuing her.

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The sooner you come to this realization, the sooner you get over how bad you feel whenever you are rejected.

Instead of looking at it as rejection, look at it as a process.

You have to go through rejection in order to get to the right woman for you.

A rejection of you says nothing about the person you are.

Come to terms with the reality that you aren’t physically appealing to every girl.

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No one guy is, including those who are extremely attractive.

Develop an abundance mindset.

With an abundance mindset, you won’t take rejection so personally anymore, knowing that you have a plethora of women that you intend to approach on a weekly basis.

This keeps you from putting so much hope on any one woman that you approach, given that you already know that you are going to be approaching multiple women.

This spreads the risk across multiple women.

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A scarcity mindset is when you put all of your eggs in one basket.

This is when you are putting all of your hopes on one woman at any given time.

That one girl that you have a crush on in your classroom.

That one girl that you work across from at the office.

That one girl that you see at the gym every time you go.

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You become so locked-in to that one girl that you like, you place all of your romantic hopes on her.

When you do this, you are putting all of your eggs in one basket.

This means that once you develop the courage to approach one of these women and they so happen to turn you down, you are crushed.

You take it so personally that you start doubting yourself and lose confidence.

Never use this futile strategy moving forward.

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Develop an abundance mindset and stick to it as a rule.

Approach plenty of women.

It’s all a numbers game.

As long as you keep approaching, the numbers start working in your favor and you begin to get dates with women.

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