Is A Guy Offering To Pay For A Babysitter For A First Date Creepy Enough That It Warrants Not Talking To Him Ever Again?

Is A Guy Offering To Pay For A Babysitter For A First Date Creepy Enough That It Warrants Not Talking To Him Ever Again?A guy that is offering to pay for a babysitter for a first date with you is desperate.

This is especially true when you haven’t requested any help in this department.

Truthfully, you don’t care too much for this guy.

If he felt the need to offer to pay for a babysitter, it means that you haven’t been forthcoming in making yourself available to him for a date.

Meaning, you have been stringing this guy along.

Think about how you normally behave whenever you have been romantically interested in a guy in the past.

You made it easy on the guy by making yourself available to go on dates with him, despite any challenges you were facing in life.

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With this guy at present, you haven’t made it at all easy.

This is why he has resorted to offering to pay for a babysitter so that he gets you to go on a date with him.

Truth is, you aren’t romantically interested in this guy.

Sadly, you have led him to believe that there is romantic potential with you.

But, there isn’t.

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He doesn’t know that.

He honestly believes that paying for a babysitter will help in freeing you up to meet him in person for a first date.

You don’t care to do this.

Be honest with yourself.

If this was a guy you liked, you would have made it easy on him by making your time available to him despite having a baby to take care of.

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You know that the guy at present likes you, and this has given you a strong sense of empowerment.

An empowerment that you sometimes feel that you are lacking in being a single mom.

Think about it.

How often are you wondering whether you will ever find a guy that loves you, and accepts you and your baby?

Your own personal Prince Charming.

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Yes, like in the fairy tales.

In-between attending to your baby’s demanding needs, you have had these thoughts.

You have wondered about whether you are still beautiful or attractive to guys.

Your body isn’t exactly what it used to be.

There are blemishes on it that weren’t there when you were yet to be a mother.

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You have gained some weight.

You aren’t as physically fit as you once were.

On top of this, the constant attention that your baby requires has left you almost powerless to indulge in the social activities that you once did with your friends.

This has led to a degree of loneliness.

Loneliness that this guy has been assuaging.

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That is why he has been in your life thus far.

He has facilitated in alleviating the loneliness and the sense of estrangement you feel from not being able to go out and socialize as freely as you once did.

Furthermore, he boosts your weak ego when he tells you that you are beautiful.

This makes you feel better about your physicality, despite the fact that you no longer look as fit and attractive as you were before having your baby.

Alas, this man has served his purpose.

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That is why you want to believe that his offer to pay for a babysitter in exchange for a first date warrants not talking to him ever again, and labeling him as a creep.

Listen, you can try to justify getting rid of him all you want, but it doesn’t change the fact that you were taking advantage of the time and attention of a desperate and lonely man.

Even if you choose to not talk to this guy ever again, you are sure to treat the next guy in the same vain.

This has always been about getting your own personal needs met.

You want the attention and praise.

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And it doesn’t matter to you how many of these desperate men you use to get what you want.

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