I’m Confused About Whether He Asked Me To Be His Girlfriend Or Not?

I'm Confused About Whether He Asked Me To Be His Girlfriend Or Not?When he said it, you thought that he was asking you to be his girlfriend.

But, it didn’t sound resolute.

That brought you back to doubting that he did ask you to be his girlfriend.

The words he used were strangely vague.

The truth is, you have been wanting him to ask you to be his girlfriend.

The moment he said words that sounded as though he was asking you to be his girlfriend or insinuating as such, you immediately jumped on it.


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Could this be?

Is he actually doing what you have been longing for him to do since you realized that you want him to become your boyfriend some time ago?

Unfortunately, as of right now, I have to say that you are still in limbo.

He hasn’t definitively asked you to be his girlfriend.

I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but it is the naked truth.

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Guy’s are territorial by nature.

When they are courting a girl and know that they want to make her a girlfriend, they are aggressive about it.

They are asking her to be their girlfriend in no uncertain terms, or claiming her as their girlfriend with how they address her.

Guys are naturally brazen with this, given their territorial nature.

In your case, he said words that sounded as though he was asking you to be his girlfriend or stating it.

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This is far too vague.

A guy that knows he wants to make you his girlfriend makes it resoundingly apparent that he does, to you and the world at large.

He backs this up with how he behaves after the fact.

Has his behavior toward you changed since you heard his nebulous words?

Has he introduced you to his friends or family members as his girlfriend?

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Has he changed his relationship status on social media to include you as his girlfriend?

Has he repeatedly called you his girlfriend in no uncertain terms while hanging out with you in private?

A guy that has done none of these things, never asked you to be his girlfriend.

Although he hinted at it or used words that vaguely insinuated that he was asking you to be his girlfriend, his actions since then haven’t supported this.

I know that you like this guy and want him to ask you to be his girlfriend.

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But, you mustn’t get carried away.

In making the wrong assumption by thinking that he asked you to be his girlfriend, you inadvertently risk jeopardizing your relationship with him.

You create a new set of expectations.

All of a sudden, you are expecting him to treat you differently, but he continues to treat you the same.

This leads to you becoming disappointed, believing that he isn’t fulfilling his role as your so-called boyfriend.

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He senses the change in your behavior and doesn’t like it.

Next thing you know, he doesn’t want to hang out with you as much as he used to, not wanting to be around your negative energy.

Before you know it, the relationship comes to an end.

This is what happens when you make assumptions based on what you so badly want to be a reality.

A guy knows when he wants to make a girl he has been courting his girlfriend, and makes it loudly apparent.

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Instead of getting ahead of yourself, stay the course and keep being the great date to him that you have been so far.

The good news is that he is flirting with the idea of making you his girlfriend, given the words he used in that conversation.

Nevertheless, until he makes it official with you, do not ruin his courtship of you by making assumptions.

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