If You Are Just In The Talking Stage With A Girl, Should You Text Each Other Every Day, And Should The Guy Always Text First?

If You Are Just In The Talking Stage With A Girl, Should You Text Each Other Every Day, And Should The Guy Always Text First?You should not text each other every day when you are just in the talking stage with a girl.

It’s too much too early.

Irrespective of how excited you are about each other.

Keeping your emotions tempered is vital.

If you get carried away with excitement and text each other every day, you run a risk of running out of gas.

This much texting makes it much harder to sustain a courtship.

A courtship is better when it is gradual.

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Texting each other every other day is an appropriate amount.

This gives you time to live your lives without constantly having to check in with each other each and every day.

Rather, you get to maintain a degree of independence, which is beneficial to a courtship.

A healthy dose of individuality keeps you from falling into the trap of making everything about her.

You fall into this trap when you aren’t participating in your hobbies and interests, preferring to use her text messages to live vicariously through her.

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This isn’t attractive, and in time, once the initial excitement she feels for you starts to wear off, she develops a greater clarity of mind to see this.

No girl is attracted to a guy who doesn’t seem to have a life of his own, and is living vicariously through her.

This is what you set yourself up for when you text her every day.

You get lost in it.

Your personal life suffers because all you want to do is text her and find out what she has to say, as you get her attention in tandem.

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Sadly, you are turning down opportunities to hang out with friends, seeing that all you want to do is text her.

This puts a strain on your platonic relationships over time.

Some of your friends will stop being friends with you.

As you abandon doing the hobbies and interests you once indulged in, you lose sharpness of mind and body.

It’s like you are in a twilight zone, completely consumed by this girl, and wanting to talk to her at every moment.

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As aforementioned, once the emotional high she has for you starts waning in a few weeks, she gains more clarity of mind.

This is when she realizes that your life is all about her, and you don’t have any individuality of your own.

Consequently, she is no longer replying to your text messages as quickly as she once did.

She is taking hours to reply.

Sometimes, days.

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All of a sudden, you are in a panic.

You have become so emotionally dependent on her text messages over these last few weeks, your happiness has become compromised.

When you don’t hear back from her promptly, you get sad and dejected.

All you can think about is when you get to hear from her again.

This is absolutely unhealthy for your mental and physical health.

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On top of this, it’s only a matter of time before she is no longer replying to your text messages at all.

A lose-lose outcome.

The proper strategy when you are in the talking stage with a girl is to text her every other day.

It’s alright to text her first.

When it is this early, a girl expects the guy to text her first.

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Don’t worry, as you build rapport with her, there will be a time where she starts initiating texts to you.

This happens naturally.

All you have to do is keep playing your part.

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