How To Ask For A Female Coworker’s Phone Number Without Messing It Up

How To Ask For A Female Coworker's Phone Number Without Messing It Up And Turning Her OffBeing that she is a female coworker, there is a fear of crossing the line in asking for her phone number.

Notwithstanding, there are plenty of people who end up dating and getting into fruitful relationships who originally met at work.

Take solace in knowing that, so that you don’t think it too awkward to ask for her phone number.

When you think it too awkward to ask for her phone number, you end up messing things up in how you go about it.

Confidence is a significant factor to women.

A confident man is attractive and desirable to women.

When you come off as though you are scared to ask for her phone number, you look awkward, and this makes you come off as weak.

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Unfortunately, she judges your dearth of confidence at the time as a sign that your overall confidence is deficient.

This turns her off and she is going to struggle to justify giving you her phone number after you have finally sputtered those words out of your mouth.

A first impression is everything.

You never get a second chance to leave a good first impression.

When your presentation is poor, she is judging you for it, in spite of not knowing you all that well.

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All she has to work with is what you are presenting in front of her.

A poor delivery in how you go about asking for her phone number, makes her conclude that your personality is far too weak for her to be attracted to.

Once this judgment is made, she is thinking about a polite way to turn you down after you are done asking for her phone number.

This is the last thing you want.

Show confidence in your delivery as you ask for her phone number, and circumvent messing this up.

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Don’t talk too much before asking for her phone number.

It’s so tempting to do this.

Being that you are nervous, you erroneously think that you should spend several minutes talking to her, so that you warm her up, before asking for her phone number.

This is laying a trap for yourself.

When you use this strategy, you run a risk of overstaying your welcome and turning her off.

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She isn’t ready to spend an unscheduled amount of time listening to you, given that she is at work and has stuff to do.

Even if you catch her when she has clocked out and is headed for the exit, you shouldn’t keep her long.

Assume that she has somewhere pressing that she needs to go.

Have respect for her time.

She is already aware that you work at the same workplace.

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There is no need to waste time talking about the departments you work in.

If you keep her waiting too long as you force conversation on her, she gets irritated.

Forget all that.

No smokescreens.

No tricks.

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Plainly tell her that you think she is beautiful and would love to get to know her better over lunch on Friday.

With this approach, she is fully aware of your intentions, and if she likes you, she is saying yes.

At which point, you ask for her phone number.

This shows her that you are confident and aggressive enough to go for what you want.

This is a turn-on to women.

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