Feeling Sad I Let A Guy Treat Me Like Trash While Supposedly Courting Me

Feeling Sad I Let A Guy Treat Me Like Trash While Supposedly Courting MeIt never feels good to know that the guy that was supposedly courting you never really cared all that much for you.

You thought that you had a connection with him, but in the end, he seems to have been all about sex.

Obviously, you wanted more than that.

But alas, his lackluster behavior in how he went about communicating or taking you out on dates left you feeling like trash.

He didn’t communicate anywhere near as much as you wanted him to, nor did he take you out on dates anywhere near as much as you wanted him to.

When you do talked to him, there wasn’t much substance to the conversations.

He wanted to flirt and sext all the time.

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Whenever you attempted to redirect the conversations to more substantive topics, he wasn’t all that invested, and quickly went back to flirting and sexting.

The only times he seemed to want to see you was when he wanted to have sex.

These are the moments where he came to your place, or you went to his place.

It became rare for him to take you out on a proper date.

That seemed like such a long time ago.

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You are feeling sad that you let this guy treat you like an object that was easily dispensable.

You feel like trash.

Although this is a difficult time for you, now that you have realized that this guy was treating you like trash all along and you let him, let this be a lesson learned.

The dating process is a learning process.

A guy that is pretending to be a great guy in the beginning, but ends up treating you like trash, shows red flags early on.

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These are red flags that you miss or choose to ignore.

You miss them because you either don’t know what to look for, or ignore them because you are too emotionally captivated by him to take those red flags seriously.

A guy that is pretending to be a great guy but isn’t, will have inconsistencies in the stories he tells you.

Basically, he contradicts himself.

In one conversation he tells you a story that he contradicts a few conversations later.

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This happens when someone is lying and making stuff up to impress the girl.

Someone like this is liable to contradicting what he said earlier, as it is difficult to keep up with the lies.

Do your due diligence in paying attention to this when you are in the early stages of courtship with a guy.

Don’t brush it off when you pick up on it.

A guy that is frequently contradicting himself is lying to you to impress you.

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This is a significant red flag.

For instance, he tells you about a trip he made during the summer to Italy.

A few conversations later, he brings up the trip he had over the summer but instead of saying he went to Italy, he says he went to Australia.

This is a contradiction.

The more he has these contradictions, the more you know that these are lies that he is telling to impress you.

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All he cares about is telling you what sounds impressive and you want to hear, hoping that it leads to him getting to have sex with you.

Whenever a guy is courting you, never let yourself get sucked into his stories early.

This keeps you from getting emotionally invested in him too soon, which leads to you eventually getting treated like trash, if you so happen to be unfortunate enough to be dealing with a guy who is a bad actor.

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