Does A Guy Like It If A Girl Makes The First Move?

Does A Guy Like It If A Girl Makes The First Move?Being that guys aren’t used to girls making the first move, it’s refreshing to be at the receiving end of a girl’s approach.

Keep in mind that he isn’t used to this.

Even highly attractive guys don’t get approached by anywhere near as many women as they attract.

Girls that are attracted to these guys send signals of romantic interest at them, but aren’t making the first move to talk to these guys all that often.

Knowing this, makes it easier for you to stick around through the first few awkward minutes of your approach, if you so happened to have approached a guy that is completely flustered by the approach.

When you make the first move, give him solid hints that you are attracted to him.

Considering that guys aren’t used to being approached by girls, they are predisposed to misread an approach.

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If you keep the conversation that you have with him totally generic, he interprets that as a sign that you were only making conversation with him and nothing more.

This is the last thing you want.

Think about it.

You put all this effort into summoning up the courage to make that first move on him and he didn’t even realize that you made a move on him.

To avoid this, compliment him as you talk to him.

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This is what speaks to a guy’s love language.

Guys love hearing compliments directed at them from women.

They aren’t used to getting them, which makes them stand out all the more.

Hearing a compliment from a woman lights him up, instantly putting him in a better mood.

The compliment can be totally lighthearted.

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It doesn’t have to be explicit.

It doesn’t even have to be totally direct.

There are ways to go about complimenting a guy, and making it clear you are, without being utterly blatant about it.

This strategy is particularly helpful when you are a shy girl.

Instead of directly complimenting his physique, you say, “What gym do you go to?” or “How many times a week do you work out?”

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In saying this, you have given him a compliment without directly telling him that you are attracted to his physique.

Don’t worry, he knows how to put two and two together.

In this instance, he knows that you are complimenting his physique.

This bolsters his confidence, making him feel excited about you.

It energizes him into keeping the conversation going with you, and wanting to learn about you.

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Besides giving him a compliment, a guy knows that you are attracted to him when you touch him lightly a few times as you are talking to him.

Touching him lightly creates a resounding physical connection.

It is a strong sign of romantic attraction.

As you talk to him, take advantage of brief moments where you touch him lightly.

Look at his watch and hold his wrist briefly as you admire it.

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Ask him whether he knows how to program a smartphone to perform a specific function, and hand him your smartphone to do it, touching his hand or body lightly as you do.

Should you have an item with you that you have been struggling to get open, ask him for his help in opening it.

Guys love this.

They love showing off their strength, and ergo, their manliness to a woman.

Touch his hand briefly as you hand over the item.

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Touching him lightly from time to time creates a physical connection that lets him know that you are comfortable around him and attracted to him.

All of this being said, never fall into the trap of doing all of the initiating.

Once you have made your first move on a guy and he has responded positively, exchange contact information, but leave it to him to start initiating from that point on and pursue you.

If you are the one who keeps initiating everything, he won’t be jazzed up enough to pursue you.

Without this emotional investment, a guy is lackadaisical in how he deals with you.

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This gets aggravating, as you find yourself having to be the one to set up dates and initiate communication all the time.

Inevitably, it gets old, and the courtship suffers for it.

It dies within a few weeks.

A guy has a biological inclination to be the pursuer.

Never take this role away from him.

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